I have CUPS installed on different servers and I can connect to those using an SSH tunnel without any issue, but this server returns "Bad request" always.

All my servers have Ubuntu 16.04 Server, including this one, and CUPS 2.1.3-4ubuntu0.5, also I have the same configuration on all of them, but when I try to connect from my machine (connected to the cups server via an SSH tunnel) I get Bad Request and the log registers this:

E [17/Aug/2018:09:28:44 -0700] [Client 7] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "".

P.S.: I post this after hours of googling and adding ServerAlias *, but that doesn't work.

Chaminda Bandara
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1 Answers1


I found the culpit!.

I was connecting using the SSH ProxyCommand (with netcat) to jump to an internal server of the remote network.

Now if I just do an ssh -L... I can connect without problems.

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