Questions tagged [ubuntu-16.04]

Ubuntu 16.04 - named "Xenial Xerus" - is a Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu Linux. Officially released on April 21, 2016, it was supported for 5 years. Extended Security Maintenance subscriptions are offered by Canonical until April 2024. Only use this tag if your question is version-specific.

Ubuntu 16.04 - named "Xenial Xerus" - is a Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu Linux. Officially released on April 21, 2016, it will be supported for 5 years for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Core, and Ubuntu Kylin. Only use this tag if your question is version-specific. Note that the Ask Ubuntu site is specifically dedicated to Ubuntu questions.

949 questions
1 answer

too many ssh-agent process per user on several servers

Several users seem to have problems with the usage of ssh-agent in their login environment. sri for instance has 1295 of them running on login02. And many other users are having same issue. I am seeing the same problem on other machines, and with…
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How to upgrade ubuntu with security fixes without updating PHP with new major version?

On my web servers I run ubuntu 16.04 with php7.2. I would like to be able to run periodically cron task to install system security fixes and updates (something like apt-get upgrade) but I don't want this process to replace php7.2 with newer php…
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How to verify RAID1 on my server Poweredge R210?

I've configured RAID1 through Lifecycle Controller, then I installed Ubuntu 16.04.3. In section partition disk I selected Guided - use entire disk, I'm not sure if I need to configure RAID1 here or it's enough from what I did in LIfecycle…
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Issue mounting Ubuntu NFSv4 share on Windows 2012 R2

I'm having issues mounting an NFS share (Ubuntu 16.04) using NFSv4 on Windows 2012 R2 from what I understand 2012 R2 supports NFS v4.1, it looks to be defaulting to NFsv3 when running nfsstat -m. I'm not sure if this is a server or client issue.
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0 answers

Mysql 5.7 keeps shutting itself off randomly in a day or two?

I have a DigitalOcean Ubuntu 16.4 machine with Nginx installed. Maybe it's related to Wordpress installation, maybe not. MySQL shuts itself down randomly. It has a 1GB swap file created. 1GB RAM. Might not be related to memory issue. Started to…
RP McMurphy
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How to run a shscript on reboot

I am trying to run a script on reboot that enables a port forward to a remote server. I made i script that it works if i run it in terminal. But i am not able to run it on crontab reboot: @reboot sleep 120000 && sh /home/user/ where i can…
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Ubuntu Server / Apache not listening to port 443

I'm having trouble reaching my site through https after executing the certbot script. That process finished without issues, the message was: Congratulations, you have succesfully enabled However, when I test my…
0 answers

gcp suspending active libvirt guests

I am facing the issue where GCP is suspending all the active libvirt guests frequently. Below are the logs from syslog. google-clock-skew: INFO Synced system time with hardware clock. systemd[1]: Started Virtualization daemon. systemd[1]: Starting…
2 answers

On vpn connection I'm getting "Linux route add command failed", but I'm not pushing any routes on server.conf

I have a Ubuntu 16.04 server. I configured 2 clients and server. The goal is to connect those two clients to the server and ssh from one to another. I can connect on Linux Mint, adding vpn connection by right clicking on internet connection icon and…
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0 answers

Mysql will not start - "cant change permissions of ca-key.pem"?

Trying to start our mysql service but getting an error: Nov 19 09:15:57 MIDBSQLMASTER mysqld[11497]: mysqld: Can't change permissions of the file 'ca-key.pem' (Errcode: 1 - Operation not permitted) Nov 19 09:15:57 MIDBSQLMASTER mysqld[11497]:…
1 answer

php-fpm and nginx configuration for optimal performance

I'm running nginx server with php-fpm. I'm using "c5d.xlarge" ec2 instance type to host my website. c5d.xlarge = 4 vcpu & 8GB RAM. If active connections go beyond 10k on my ELB, CPU Utilization goes beyond 60-70% on my all 15 servers. php-fpm…
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Ubuntu 16 server cannot access it's own port 80

When I listen on port 80 with NodeJS v10 all other machines can access the port but the machine itself cannot. This is very strange, and is the same for loopback and the eth0 IP address. However, it can access port 90 on itself just fine as can the…
Arlen Beiler
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0 answers

Cron.weekly is not running on Sunday as per the crontab default

We have few scripts to clean up the sftp server that we are placed in cron.weekly folder to run on Sunday @6:47 as per crontab defaults, but they are running g on Monday @ 07:40 instead!! and this is causing a big problem due to retention policy on…
2 answers

Ubuntu server cannot be accessed from eth0 address on same machine

I have a Ubuntu 16.04 VM and when I run curl (the eth0 IP address) it quickly replies with connection refused. However, the server is definitely listening on and can be accessed by other computers on the network using…
Arlen Beiler
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1 answer

server crash please help urgent (php sessionclean)?

This morning my server went down for about an hour I'm using ubuntu 16.04LTS on AWS EC2. some info: it's a t2.medium instance, I recently upgraded from ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04, updated lots of packages, this is a production instance, I'm using PHP…
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