Questions tagged [transactional-replication]

32 questions
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If a SQL Server Replication Distributor and Subscriber are on the same server, should a PUSH or PULL subsciption be used?

Thanks in advance for any help. I'm setting up a new Microsoft SQL Server replication and I have the Distributor and Subscriber running on the same server. The Publisher is on a remote server (as it is a production database and MS recommends that…
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Adding new article to transactional replication gives error at subscriber

I have a updatable transactional replication set with SQL Server 2008. Everything is working fine. I added a new table to the existing publication through sp_addarticle followed by sp_addsubscription. After that I ran the Snapshot Agent. The…
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SQL Server distribution agent cleanup job causes blocking

I am using SQL Server transactional replication, and have noticed that on a daily basis all of the publications for a distributor are being blocked when the distribution agent cleanup job executes. I have seen this block persist for up to 2 hours. …
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Is replication less resource intensive than high frequency reads?

I am beginning the development of a new web application which needs to be designed to scale from the word go. I am looking into database replication and the concept of master/slave replication (or publisher/subscriber - I think these are the same…
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How to move the files of a replicated database (SQL Server 2008 R2) to a different drive

I would appreciate if someone could help me with the following problem: We use two SQL Server 2008 R2 databases under transactional replication: transactional publication with updatable subscriptions. because we run out of disk space we need to move…
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sql server peer to peer replication - have the agents running as NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE?

On a test rig, I'm trying to get SQL Server 2005 peer to peer (transactional) replication working, with the replication agents running under the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE account. Before this I setup a peer to peer replication with the agents…
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Any reason to replicate SQL Server database for reporting?

We are upgrading our ERP application to run on SQL Server 2008 R2. It currently runs as a file-based system in it's own Server 2008 virtual machine. SQL Server will be installed into that VM. We have a separate virtual machine (on the same physical…
John Galt
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SQL Server 2008 SP1 Transactional Replication of a Partitioned Table Generates StackDump

I have a partitioned table that is published for transactional replication. The SWITCH operations on this table appears to replicated to the subscriber even though the options to allow_partition_switch = 1 and replicate_partition_switch = 0 on the…
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Monitor SQL replication publishers from subscriber

I have transactional replication with many publishers(50+) and one central subscriber(data collecting). Is there some way(feature of SQL server, 3th party tool) how to monitor all publications from one point ideally from central…
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Can you use a relatively expensive filter on transactional replication?

I'm trying to replicate (transactional, push) a relatively small table (50K rows), subject to several different filters, which are rather expensive (each taking at least an hour long to complete, involving a join with a table having 4 billion rows…
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SQL Server 2008 - Performance impact of transactional replication?

I'm planning to set up transactional replication for a 100Gb SQL Server 2008 database. I have the distributor and publisher on the same server, and am using push subscription. Should there be a performance impact on my publisher server when it…
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SQL Server - VMWare Install - Transactional Replication causing 100% CPU

I am having severe trouble with a SQL Server - in particular, with transactional replication. We used to have a Windows 2003 physical machine, with SQL 2000. We call this “WebDB” The server was located in a datacenter, and we connected to it over…
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Table modifications while running db replication (MS SQL 2008)

I'm running SQL Server 2008 Std with a database that is being published in a "Transactional Publication" to a single subscriber. We are unable to make any changes to the tables on the publisher without getting the "cannot modify table because it is…
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SQL Transactional Replication snapshot not applying

I'm using SQL Transactional Replication with pull subscriptions to replicate databases (hosting their own distribution database) from several servers across a VPN to a central server. I've got the first 2 databases working fine but the 3rd one is…
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SQL Server - Firewall Blocking Replication Even Though Port 1433 is Allowed

I have two servers, Server 1 and Server 2, both are stand-alone, Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server 2017 using default instance. They are not members of a domain, and connected over a VPN (using Neorouter). I am trying to set up replication using a…
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