I would appreciate if someone could help me with the following problem:

We use two SQL Server 2008 R2 databases under transactional replication: transactional publication with updatable subscriptions. because we run out of disk space we need to move the database files into a new drive. But I don't want to break the replication.

What I'm looking for are the required steps that will help me to move the files to the new drive.


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2 Answers2

  1. alter database [publisher] modify file (name = 'logical_name', filename = 'new_path')
  2. alter database [publisher] set offline
  3. physically move the files from the old location to the new
  4. alter database [publisher] set online

Keep in mind that the logreader agent will hold a connection open to the publisher. You can stop the agent w/o breaking anything. Just remember to start it back up again. :)

Ben Thul
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You need to make sure there are no other active SQL sessions to the publisher database or setting it to offline will fail.


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