Questions tagged [transactional-replication]

32 questions
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MS SQL replication run only with system account

I'm trying to configure a new replication with SQL Server 2012 I configured the distribution While configuring the publication, it asked for a user to run the snapshot agent. I set a strong user with the right permissions to the snapshot…
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SQL Server 2008R2 Transaction Replication Stop and Restart but continue log backups

In a database that is currently being replicated I want to stop the replication (stop the log reader process) for a period of time though I want to continue to take log backups on that same database. Does the log backup free up the log for reuse or…
2 answers

SQL Server 2008 R2 Replication log reader could not execute sp_replcmds

This log reader agent worked perfectly for several months until the user referenced in the error was removed from the domain. After that time the error 'The process could not execute 'sp_replcmds' on 'SERVER'' was received with more detail 'Could…
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SQL Server Subscriber Migration

We're currently have one way transaction replication from a SQL Server 2005 OLTP publisher/distrbituor to two subscribers (one SQL 2005 and the other SQL2008 R2). Replication security is via the SQL Agents' domain service account (the same account…
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Transactional Replication from SQL Server 2008 to 2000

I has transactional replication from my server1 (MS SQL 2000) to server2 (MS SQL 2000) in another company (and on different network) and it worked OK. Instead of using real name of server2, I used alias referring to IP address of server2. Now, I…
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Using a subscriber database as a backup

I am trying to set up a transactional replication database on two MSSQL 2008 Standard servers. We need to be able to query off of the subscriber database, but we would also like to be able to use the subscriber as a backup if the primary server…
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SQL 2008 R2 Bi directional replication

I'm looking for the right replication for my case: I can't use P2P replication because one of my SQL's is Standard. I have 2 SQL 2008 R2 and want to create a bi-directional replication. What are my options? Is a "always on" Merge replication…
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SQL Transaction Replication prevents procedure with distinct on varchar(max)

When I'm adding one procedure article to the Publication the I get this error: The text data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT because it is not comparable the proc is a simple select distinct field1, field2, fieldn from tablex where id =…
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What is causing Error 15165 in my MSSQL Transactional Replication subscription agent?

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1) Standard running on Windows 2008. Bidirectional transactional replication is set up between two servers. One of the subscription agents just started getting error 15164. The results of sp_helpsubscriptionerrors…
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SQL 2008 R2 replication error: The process could not connect to Distributor

I have two servers running SQL 2008 R2 Standard, each with an instance named "MAIN". I have a small test database on my primary server (one table, 13 rows) that I want to replicate to a second server as a proof-of-concept for some larger databases…
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Replication doesn't start after reinitializing in MS SQL 2008 R2

After subscription had been marked for reinitialize, a new snapshot was generated. Log reader and queue reader agents are running. But when we try to turn on the synchronizing, we're getting the following error: The concurrent snapshot for…
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Creating indexes on tables filled from transactional replication - SQL 2005

I've got two SQL 2005 servers, one OLTP [let's call it SQLA] and one used for reporting [SQLB] to reduce load on SQLA when people run crazy queries. Our main database is replicated from SQLA to SQLB with transactional replication. The nature of the…
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SQL 2005 Replication Error - Upgraded SP3

I recently upgraded my SQL 2005 server to SQL 2005 SP3. I have replication from SQL 2005 to SQL 2005 both are standard edition. During the upgrade I experienced no issues and the replication that was already setup continue to work great. I recently,…
Brennan Mann
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Options to handle corrupt msdb ldf file

Specs: We're using SQL Server 2005 with transactional replication. Our MSDB .LDF file has recently become corrupted, causing the MSDB db to be marked as 'suspect'. We read a bunch of stuff online and learned that to fix this you either have to…
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Do I need to disable access to a publisher database when setting up SQL Server 2000 Transactional Replication?

I have a production database i.e. where there are constant updates and I've configured this to be published to another server using Transactional Replication. When I configure transactional replication I've been doing the following: disable access…
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