Questions tagged [transaction-log]

62 questions
2 answers

Exchange 2003: When do transaction logs get committed and why is the archive bit not set?

The instructor got me confused on this one: Exchange transaction logs get committed during full/normal backup. Incremental and differential backups only backup the logs. OK that is clear. But he also mentioned that the frequency of the committment…
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How do deal with SQL Server transaction log corruption

We had a failure with our SQL Server log shipping job. sp_readerrorlog reported: Backup detected log corruption in database X. Context is Bad Middle Sector. LogFile: 2 'D:\Database\X_log.MDF' VLF SeqNo: x3f116 VLFBase: x1ede0000 LogBlockOffset:…
2 answers

Transaction log full issue with SQL Server 2008 R2

I am running into 'transaction log full' issue with SQL Server 2008 R2. My database includes 80,000 tables which contains up to 5 columns of BIGINT and there is an index for each columns. The recovery model for the database is set to simple. The…
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Event ID 7888 : Transaction Log for database is full

My application is running in the SharePoint Servevr 2007 environment, however I was encounter an error as below: "A runtime exception was detected. Details follow. Message: The transaction log for database 'XX_DB' is full. To find out why…
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Transaction log: Truncate vs. backup

I have a SAP ECC instance which runs on SQL Server 2000. The database is set up with the Full recovery model, but a transaction log backup is never done (not my choice). Instead, a full backup is saved daily. This of course implies that the…
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Managing Log File in SQL Server 2008

These are my current settings: Recovery mode: Simple Logfile initial size: 10 mb Logfile autogrowth: None Database auto shrink: Off The logfile autogrowth is set to None because I don't want the logfile to grow. My objective is to keep the log file…
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Setup secondary server for Transaction Log Shipping without connection to primary server

I'm having a hard time with SQL Transaction Log Shipping with the following premisses: Server A, where data gets loaded to the database Server B is on a remote location The two servers never share a common network and can communicate via common…
Niclas Lindqvist
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Transaction log shipping SQL Server 2005 to 2008

I have a reporting setup with SSRS on our SQL Server 2005 database. Because SQL Server 2008 is not supported by the main program which populates our database we are stuck with 2005 on our production database. Unfortunately, when I run our weekly…
Andrew Jahn
3 answers

How do I backup the transaction log for a mirrored database in SQL Server?

I have a mirrored database and am trying to perform a backup of the transaction log, but after it gets to 90% it just hangs and won't go any further. What is the correct method for backing up a DB that is in the mirroring state?
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4 answers

Software to recover SQL Server 2005 ldf file

Can Anyone tell me how to recover database in SQL Server 2005 using free (i mean not shareware) software that only using ldf file? Thanxs before
1 answer

Db2 backup only transaction log files

What is the possibility to take transaction log (Archive log) backup in Db2 database. I know that online backup takes archive log backup by default but what If I want the archive log backup after few hours of online incremental backup.
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Credit Card Payment on a HTTPS / SSL site via VPN: is my data safe?

Since the closest Q & A I have found about this topic doesn't quite match the focus I have in mind, I felt that a more precise question could be a helpful point of reference for me and many other users in my same situation. I need to access a…
John Galassi
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Transaction Log backup fails if no full backup exists least I think so. I recently revamped my backup routine on my development server. I created a maintenance plan for user databases that did some weekly cleanup tasks, daily full backups and transactionlog backups at key points throughout the…
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SQL Server 2008R2 Transaction Replication Stop and Restart but continue log backups

In a database that is currently being replicated I want to stop the replication (stop the log reader process) for a period of time though I want to continue to take log backups on that same database. Does the log backup free up the log for reuse or…
2 answers

Advised auditing method for MS SQL to track changes made to a specific table by a specific user?

What is the best method for tracking changes or logging the queries done to a table by a specific user when the person is using Management Studio? I'm using 2008 R2 Express Edition and want to specifically track a single user who logs in through…
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