Questions tagged [traffic]

298 questions
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why nethogs & iftop numbers for sent traffic are not correlating

I am trying to understand the root cause of my high network egress.. GCP network monitoring shows approx 600 KB/s and bills accordingly If I do iftop on my VM, the sent (Tx) traffic sort of correlates with this number.. But if I run nethogs to…
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how to limit traffic usage per user?

we have a server with four users with limited 60TB in/out traffic per month, but we're not splitting the cost evenly and we are wondering if it is possible to limit traffic for each user, based on his contribution in cost (30+30+15+15). We're using…
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Centos 7 server traffic blocker

Sometimes my website is lot of traffic and looks it is very slow. Log details can see someone ip address do lot of traffic to server. I need reboot my server so speed come back to normally. It is available free someone automatic "ip address" blocker…
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Are firewall logs filled with incoming SSDP requests typical for networks with a Windows 7 box?

While reviewing firewall logs that were sent to me from a Windows 7 box (the box is not a server) on a tiny network, I saw thousands of incoming SSDP UDP entries. The SSDP entries were nearly constant, occurring every 3 seconds (approx 1200 log…
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Can missing HTTP referrer's identify web crawlers?

I am currently trying to analyze the traffic of a website. Besides specifics regarding the requested resource and timestamps, the tracking system only provides the request's HTTP referrer. In most instances the referrer is null. Given that the…
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Can I route traffic to a connected VPN based on a given hostname?

The company I work for (small startup) has setup a VPN to add an extra layer of security to the services we connect to (say, for instance a Wiki). We, the employees, work from home and connect to the company VPN when we need to access the Wiki;…
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BigBlueButton getting unusaul traffic

We are running a bare-metal server which can handle 400 concurrent video conferencing users. We are using BigBlueButton application for video conferencing. It was running smoothly for the past 6 months. Last 2 weeks we having a strange high peak in…
Ebin Manuval
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Cost-wise, what's the best approach to hosting a very high traffic server?

I have a server that generates a high traffic amount from unique content (live video chat), and need to be able to handle UL traffic of about 500-1000 TB per month, but have relatively low CPU needs (limited processing requirement due to the…
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What is this kind of continuous traffic generation against production called?

Traffic to our service is not entirely predictable. To help keep the service slightly over-provisioned and to provide advance warning of any degradation resulting from an increase in traffic, we maintain a kind of "continuous buffer load generator".…
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Can I limit the scope of ntop to only monitor a specific connection?

I need to be able to track client data usage between their VM and an S3 compatible object storage bucket (accessed via https). I've installed ntopng community edition on the VM and right now it's dumping all it's data into a MySQL database. I've…
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Internet packages went crazy

So... I have a router (wireless, ASUS RT-N18U), connected to 4 pcs via cable and 1 tablet wireless. After I noticed some performance drops in my network speed, I checked the traffic manager. The problem seems to be that my router is sending and…
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Can PRTG monitor IP traffic?

We often use MRTG For Windows to monitor interface traffic. Now there is an additional requirement: can I use MRTG to monitor IP traffic? If the goes through the interface, can I monitor every IP's traffic? Edit-01 I want to monitor…
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Connect two VM's in a data center

I asked my hosting provider if I can use internal data traffic over http between two virtual machines I run with the same provider. The short answer was, that this is not possible and the machines can only communicate over their static public ip.…
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2 answers

Block incoming traffic from unresolved IP address

How can I block all the incoming traffic from unresolved IP addresses? I am using CentOS with WHM/cPanel installed. I am getting huge junk traffic and 95% is from unresolved IP addresses and only 5% from resolved IP addresses. Is there any easy way…
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why the dns related traffic is so huge, is my server being hacked?

I have a vps, and have several site on it, usually these sites are rarely being visited except myself, thus i am shocked by one fact that is i visit the vps provider's portal and find i have used a huge amount of bandwidth that such a small site…
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