Questions tagged [ssdp]

6 questions
2 answers

Googlecast SSDP and MDNS queries on network despite not having any chromecast applications installed in main computer

As title states, Ive detected some MDNS queries from a googlecast address, which is strange since i don't have any googlecast apps or similar installed. Additionally My PC is sending SSDP packets to (subnet?) regarding 'M-Search:…
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1 answer

How do I find more infos about an auto discoverd printer in local network?

My printing dialogue shows some printers I don't knwo about. One is called "duerqxesz5090", one "print" and the last one "prt0". prt0 has "Hacked by Swan" as location, so I want to know what device this is. (Screenshot) But I don't know how this…
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4 answers

How can the SSDP protocol be filtered out of Wireshark view?

In Wireshark version 1.12.4, I am trying to filter out packet messages with an SSDP protocol. When I clicked the Expression button next to the Filter field, and selected "HTTP" (as Field Name) and "is present" (as Relation), I still get SSDP. Most…
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1 answer

Windows 7 Sending SSDP M-SEARCH Packets Even Though UPnP and SSDP Services Are Disabled

I have a small Windows 7 business workgroup network (no Domain Controller, not using Homegroup) that I am trying to eliminate SSDP traffic from. I've disabled the SSDP Discovery and UPnP Device Host services on each computer and restarted each…
Bill Vallance
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0 answers

Windows 10: Enable network browsing / WS-Discovery / UPnP / SSDP service discovery across subnets from Windows Explorer

I have the following scenario: Two sites, each with their own network (non-overlapping private subnet), connected with a site-to-site VPN (layer 3, Wireguard). Routes to the other sites are configured in the default gateways and also distributed to…
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1 answer

Are firewall logs filled with incoming SSDP requests typical for networks with a Windows 7 box?

While reviewing firewall logs that were sent to me from a Windows 7 box (the box is not a server) on a tiny network, I saw thousands of incoming SSDP UDP entries. The SSDP entries were nearly constant, occurring every 3 seconds (approx 1200 log…