Questions tagged [tomcat6]

Open source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation

Tomcat 6, an open source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation, was first released in 2006.

Version 6.0 implements the Servlet 2.5 and JavaServer Pages 2.1 specifications from the Java Community Process.

See also:

283 questions
1 answer

How can I troubleshoot an Apache Server reverse proxy dropped connection?

We are suddenly seeing an intermittent, but very frequent, error while POSTing files to a Tomcat servlet over https via an Apache Server reverse proxy. The error only seems to occur while POSTing files of 20 MB or more (videos). We have not seen the…
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Tomcat 6 session replication does not work with HAProxy

I have HAProxy loadbalancer and two Tomcat backend servers. HAProxy is configured with cookie based persistence, Tomcat is configured with SimpleTcpCluster according to documentation. Multicast between both Tomcat backend servers is enabled. However…
Tom Aac
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Tomcat doesn't appear to work out of the box on a fresh CentOS 6.5. Am I missing something?

I install CentOS 6.5 with the "Web Server" package selection and everything else as defaults. I do a service tomcat6 start, then a ss -ntlp to confirm that Tomcat is listening on port 8080, as specified in the default Tomcat 6…
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1 answer

Will Tomcat 6 cache across Webapps?

I have a Tomcat 6 server on an Ubuntu 12.04 server with 4GB and the following JAVA_OPTS JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms512M -Xmx512M -XX:PermSize=1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled…
Danny Lieberman
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2 answers

TOMCAT Disable org.apache.http.wire logging

I need to shut up the org.apache.http.wire logging level because its logging every single HTTP request and it produces Gigabytes of logging, I'm using the default logging of tomcat6 which I think it is java.logging.util (JULI). Could you please tell…
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Apache2 proxy Tomcat6 prevent 503 error while starting

While tomcat6 is starting up all my http requests are retained by the server and sends the response when the server is up. But when I use an apache2 as a proxy the apache2 responds inmediatly a 503 error when the tomcat is starting. How can I…
6 answers

how do I know tomcat is running on Windows

I'm on Windows, went to %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\ and ran startup. I did see another commandline window popup and tomcat was loading some webapps that were there before (I had run webapp inside my IDE before that, now wanted to try from commandline).…
EyeQ Tech
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2 answers

HTTP through a proxy server is not allowed

When I try to connect to my Tomcat server on http://:8080 it works fine, but from another ISP provided it gives the following error: HTTP through a proxy server is not allowed. Some ISP apparently don't allow http over the port 8080, as…
Majid Laissi
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Can a working Tomcat 6 webapp be turned into a usable .war file?

Problem: I have a working webapp on a FreeBSD 8.1 Tomcat 6 test server that I need to move to a production system. The developer who last touched it (and had root on that server) has moved on and isn't helpful. The running app seems to have been…
Bill Cole
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1 answer

How to turn off Tomcat logging in Eclipse?

I develop a Vaadin project in Eclipse that I start through Tomcat 6 which gets started directly by Eclipse. Tomcat prints an enormous amount of log messages though on each start which makes it hard to see the output of my own Application. I have…
Konrad Höffner
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1 answer

Unable to start tomcat6: Java error (Exception in thread "main")

After installing tomcat6 on CentOS 6.3, I am unable to start tomcat6 server. root@host [/var/log/tomcat6]# service tomcat6 start Starting tomcat6: [ OK ] Although it says OK, I cant access…
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0 answers

URL Rewrite in Apache + Tomcat set up with change in web application context

How to make URL http:/hostname:8080/abc?func=ll point to the URL http:/hostname:8080/xyz?func=ll automatically. Set up is Apache behind which Tomcat is present. Application "xyz" is deployed on Tomcat. Application abc is non existent. All requests…
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2 answers

Start tomcat webapp with root privileges

I built a webapp that uses libpcap (via jpcap). In order to be able to get the network interfaces list or to bind to a network interface, the application (in this case a webaap that runs from tomcat server) must be running with root…
Hagay Myr
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2 answers

how to restart one of several hosts in tomcat

if I have several blocks in my server.xml like: ... what would be the best way to stop/start/restart just one one them ? I was using /bin/ stop and …
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1 answer

Memory Leak in Tomcat

I'm using Tomcat 6.0, JDK 1.6 for a web app. It's dying frequently requiring manual reboots, and the log file shows this: Notice: Maximum number of threads (200) created for connector with address null and port 80 Followed by this: Notice:…