Questions tagged [throttling]

In networking, throttling is the intentional slowing or speeding of an Internet service.

In networking, throttling is the intentional slowing or speeding of an Internet service.Throttling is helpful to prevent network congestion and server crashes.

43 questions
2 answers

ICMP maximum delay between echo request and reply sustained by a router NAT

I was trying to slow down network on my server (arch linux vm) with netem sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 1600ms With 1600ms delay client doesn't receive the echo reply packet though the packet is generated from the serverside. However…
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1 answer

Possible causes for a single throttled UDP port

I am running a quake 3 engine based game server (Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory) on Ubuntu 16.04 and I've ran into a fairly puzzling issue. A week ago players started having issues when connecting to the server. Basically the server tries to send a…
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How to send a lot of emails without tripping the alarms

I need to send couple of thousand emails at once, all addresses are existing users of one domain. I was wondering if that would not cause receiving server to cry 'Spam!' at the sight of so many emails. I was wondering if there would be a way to…
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Apache ( OHS 12 c) for managing keep-alive sessions and provide a throttle for WebLogic protection

I need to use OHS 12C ( apache 2.2) for throttling purpose.I'm using OHS as proxy and forwarding request to weblogic server. The requirement is to limit the concurrent connection to weblogic server to 512 and if OHS get more than 512 request then…
0 answers

Application Request Routing and Throttling

We have a set of WCF services that are proxying calls to another web service layer built on top of IBM WebSphere. The WebSphere setup is a black box to us, but we're told that we need to throttle calls to the back-end due to its poor performance and…
2 answers

Can a typical firewall appliance handle things like throttling requests per user (per IP)?

I'm intending to purchase a Cisco ASA 5510, but am wondering whether or not I should expect to be able to do things such as mentioned in the question title with a typical firewall (or specifically with the aforementioned model, if you know), as well…
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Dedicated Windows Server (16 GB Ram) hanging up when sending newsletter to 20,000 emails

Most of the times when we send out a newsletter (around 30 kb) to our mailing list of 20,000 emails the server hangs up. We use Mailenable to send out emails. The hosting provider has the following comments. Our question is: Is there any…
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Throttling bandwidth for Apache on an Xserve (Mac OSX Server 10.5.8)

I was wondering if anybody has any solutions for throttling bandwidth on an Xserve (running Apache 2); I'm trying to use mod_bw (, but have been running into problems. I can build the right module using…
4 answers

Are there any tools to throttle/aggregate multiple outgoing emails into a single email within some time window?

We're developing an application that runs on multiple hosts and emails notifications to us (the developers whenever something goes wrong, via a postfix server. However, we've run into issues where the application spews hundreds of such…
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Force throttling on Atmoz/SFTP OpenSSH server connections

I'm using an atmoz/sftp Docker container with default sshd_config settings and want to simulate network throttling when other containers connect to the SFTP server. I tried adding a sleep 10s using the ForceCommand keyword (either globally or with…
1 answer

In rsync the "bwlimit" parameter is explicitly ignored, how to fix this

I have rsyncd version 3.1.2 listening on port 873 and I want to limit the bandwidth with which my files are downloaded by a client connecting to me. I added a bwlimit both in the config file: uid = nobody gid = nogroup [data] path =…
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How to force Linux users to respect max login rate

How does one set a rate-based throttle and/or quota for SSH logins per user on a shared system? For example: limit an SSH login to one time per 10 seconds. Things I've looked at: pam throttle and throttle2, but those look for failed logins and then…
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Do some companies throttle servers at times of low use to save power?

I am attempting to index a large amount of data from a website and the last thing I want to do is DoS it accidentally. To prevent this, I was planning on doing it at night since it is not an international website. But if they throttle server…
luek baja
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