Questions tagged [throttling]

In networking, throttling is the intentional slowing or speeding of an Internet service.

In networking, throttling is the intentional slowing or speeding of an Internet service.Throttling is helpful to prevent network congestion and server crashes.

43 questions
2 answers

How to protect a web application from IPv6 bots?

I'm interested in this in the context of protecting a web application from bots, but I guess it applies to all kind of attacks that can be done over IPv6 by bots. In a web application, you have some pages you want to protect from bots. It could be a…
0 answers

Enable Resource Governor

I have setup an SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 in my infrastructure. One of my SQL jobs consumes much CPU usage and when this happens all other queries take too long to respond. After research I read about Resource Governor. This feature throttles CPU usage…
2 answers

How to workaround a IP whitelist when consuming a 3rd-party API?

We use a service who's API will reject requests unless the source IP has been previously whitelisted. They only give us 3 slots which is a problem because we have more than 3 machines that need to use the API. What is the most common technique to…
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1 answer

Mysterious throttling on Linux Centos

I have inherited a Linux CentOS install running as a PPPOE server router for guest bandwidth to pass through for a unit block. Internet connectivity looks like this…
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What are the symptoms of an overloaded webserver

I'm maintaining some web crawlers. I want to improve our load/throttling system to be more intelligent. Of cause I look at response codes, and throttle up or down based on that. I would though like the system to be better at dynamically adjusting…
Niels Kristian
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Throttling a user across multiple datacenters

I'm trying to implement a throttling feature on nginx, that is shared across multiple servers across multiple datacenters. I would like to know what would be the best practice for building this. For example, let's say that I have an HTTP API running…
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1 answer

How to throttle AJP

On Windows i connect Apache2 to Tomcat7 via AJP. Is there any configuration that can throttle the communication? This is my worker.list=node1 worker.node1.port=8009 worker.node1.type=ajp13 This is my…
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How to prevent nginx throttling conflicting with maintenance mode?

We use the HttpLimitReqModule nginx mondule for rate throttling and have found that it conflicts with our "maintenance mode" because both components are using http status code 503. When throttling is activated (via the limit_req directive), nginx…
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2 answers

Postfix: throttle incoming traffic to abused recipients

I'd like to implement per-recipient limits for incoming mail to our Postfix MX servers, but I don't know what to use to achieve that. Postfix docs and Google searches will only give me config recipes to set up (global) incoming concurrency or…
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1 answer

Configure trickle to add guestOS

I want to configure Trickle to prioritize my bandwidth with an installed app on ubuntu, I understand the basic config: [ssh] Priority = 1 Time-Smoothing = 0.1 Length-Smoothing = 1 [www] Priority = 2 Time-Smoothing = 5 Length-Smoothing =…
1 answer

How to diagnose whether a customer's ISP is throttling access to my website?

We host a website that servers up mostly static files, such as html and flash SWF files. The server is hosted in Auckland, New Zealand. Our customers are mainly secondary/high-schools. In general, most customers can access our website at perfectly…
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3 answers

Disable gigabit ethernet throttling?

I've got two windows PCs connected by gigabit ethernet. When I use iperf to measure throughput it maxes out at a good 100MBit/s. When I run iperf using two or three parallel connections, each will get the full 100MBit/s, too. If I add all the…
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1 answer

Using trickle/trickled to limit bandwidth throughput of iperf3

I'm doing some throughput testing on some radio units that have narrow channel bandwidth settings (for example sub 250KHz bandwidth). During my testing of iperf3, I noticed that the slowest speed it would ever transfer at despite setting a bandwidth…
0 answers

NGINX - Dynamic throttling of bandwidth

I am going to deploy a website with several big media files (~10 GiB) and I would like to balance the load on it. NGINX will be used to serve the files. What I would like to achieve is something that has already been discussed here, but no real…
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2 answers

Detecting proxy server connections

We are having issues with users using proxy servers and causing trouble on our website. Is there an updated SQL list of proxy servers, indexed by IP, available anywhere so that we can query it and prevent access to those using proxy servers?