Questions tagged [symlink]

166 questions
1 answer

delete empty file link

I accidently made a link and can't delete that: big:~# ls -al total 88 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 May 28 18:10 -> /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem drwx------ 8 root root 4096 May 29 01:45 . drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 May 27 04:50 .. drwxr-xr-x …
Daniel W.
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Can you make the /vz directory a symlink?

I have a OpenVZ VPS server with a 500GB hard drive and 240GB SSD. I'd like to have each VM's files stored on the SSD. Can I make their directory within /vz symlink to a directory on the SSD? There might be a better way to do this. If you know one,…
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Linux Shell - How to copy directory without symlink

I would like to get everything inside one directory. How can I copy entire directory (that originally contains files and symlinks) to a new directory that should contains all files but no symlink?? Thank you
Julio Fong
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rsync invocation to replace symlinks pointing to source?

Currently I'm moving a big filesystem to a new server as the original fileserver is no longer able to handle the filesystem writes. To make this quick I made symlinks at the target filesystem pointing to the original…
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Office 2010 documents via Windows 7 symlinks on network share very slow in comparison to network path access

Client: Windows 7 Premium, Office 2010 Pro Plus, both fully patched. Server: Samba 3.5.10 on CentOS6 (SELinux enabled), Shadow copies enabled. Link speed: 1MBps. As Windows 7 doesn't like me to use a network folder as a "Library" without making it…
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Permissions within Windows symlink to a Samba share

I have a Samba shared folder on an Ubuntu box which I can access from my Windows 7 PC and within which, as a non-administrator Windows user, can create and update files and folders. However, when I create a symlink in Windows to this folder using…
Tim Page
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2 answers

How to secure Apache for shared hosting environment? (chrooting, avoid symlinking...)

I'm having problems dealing with Apache configuration: the problem is that I want to limit each user to his own docroot (so, a chroot() would be what I'm looking for), but: Mod_chroot works only globally and not for each virtualhost: i have the…
1 answer

Server symlink doesn't map in URL

I have a symlink in my main htdocs directory /home/www/ index.php cms (symlink) lrwxrwxrwx 1 apache myuser 32 May 22 15:33 cms -> /home/www/xyz-cms/https/cms/ However, when I visit my site at I get a…
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Are relative-path symlinks reliable on Rackspace Cloud Sites?

Rackspace's Cloud Sites have a lot of stupid limitations. For example, no SSH (in or out), no shell, no RSYNC, etc... (even through cron). Recently I learned that you can't reliably use symlinks in Cloud Sites. Apparently this is because the…
Jake Wilson
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Trying to understand symlink behavior with vsftpd

I recently moved my website to a CentOS 6 VPS (from a HyperVM-enabled CentOS 5 VPS). I set up vsftpd to handle our FTP needs. I created a local user for everyone who needs to use the FTP. For my user Joe, he logs in with FileZilla and lands in…
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nginx serve the latest download

on a website I host I have a nginx set up as http server mainly for static content. Some content that gets serverd actually are software downloads (setup.exe stuff). What i want to do is somehow get nginx to serve the newest download package under a…
2 answers

Which is generally considered faster or best practice: symlinks or Apache aliases?

I'm curious as to what most people's views are on this subject. Personally, I will almost always prefer symlinks unless I have no other option -- I find that it is far more obvious when someone is navigating the file system, but, on the other hand…
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Apache 2 Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible

My apache server runs as user foo. I have some Rails applications in /home/foo/app1 /home/foo/app2. Each of them has an vhost ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot…
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Following Windows SymLinks in network shares

I have a shared folder, let's call it e:\folder2\ 'Everyone' has read permission to the share and file system. From a command line, with pwd at e:\folder2\ I ran mklink /D slF1 e:\folder1 The permissions for both folders(folder1,folder2) are…
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4 answers

table alias (or 'symlink') in mysql

in MySQL5.1, is there a way to make one table accessible by two different names? I'm thinking about somethink like a symlink on linux filesystems. I know theres the CREATE VIEW myview AS SELECT * FrOM mytable thing, but I don't only need to SELECT…
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