Questions tagged [stty]

9 questions
4 answers

virsh console and tty size

I have a virtualization server to which I connect over ssh. If I now change the size of the window it will automatically propagate to the server. It's most easily seen using stty -a, checking the columns and row values. I then use virsh console to…
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3 answers

How do I restore (xterm|gnome-terminal) wrapping after telnet to HP equipment has messed it up?

I telnet to an HP switch from my (xterm|gnome-terminal). Exit telnet. That breaks the behaviour of the terminal. (If you don't have a HP switch to telnet to, one can cat this file in a terminal instead). Now type a very long command (more than one…
Peter V. Mørch
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2 answers

What does the command `stty erase ^H` do?

Probably a newby's question - I saw the command stty erase ^H in one of our log-in script and wanted to know what it does. Does it work on TCSH? or is it only applicable to KSH?
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1 answer

Why is a Linux host interpretting the zero key as enter?

I am connecting to a Debian virtual machine using PuTTY, and every time I press the 0 (zero) key, the command line behaves as if I've pressed enter. Why might this be and how can I change it? Perhaps also relevant: I'm connecting from Windows 10,…
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1 answer

How can I disable CTRL+Z backgrounding in vim or nano?

I'm using stty susp ^- in a user's .bashrc shell in an attempt at preventing users from using CTRL+Z to background a process. The reason behind this, is that we have a number of users who are used to using Oracle SQLPlus on VMS, and the default…
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Are the tty parameters stored somewhere when using screen?

Here is the story: From a fresh install of ubuntu I use a serial to usb device. screen /dev/ttyUSB0 everything goes fine and I can interact with the device perfectly. Then I unplug this device, plug another one (a 3g modem). Again screen…
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1 answer

Shell - Fix 80 column wrap limit

I have several Centos servers that enforce an 80 column limit when I ssh into them, rather than being dynamic and going to the width of whatever shell I am using as seen here: . Is there a way to update the settings (perhaps an stty command) in…
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1 answer

Telnet from Unix to Windows

I'm trying to telnet from a Unix (specifically, Mac OS X) laptop into a server running Windows Server 2008 R2, but am experiencing some issues. The connection is made successfully, but I can't backspace or cycle through command history with the…
1 answer

shell script - while loop, handle the exception

I am running a shell script with a while loop and it exits with the below error, how could I avoid it or catch the error and let the loop to continue ? ie how could I handle the exception stty: standard input: Invalid argument Following are the…
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