Questions tagged [statsd]

Statsd is a node.js application created by Etsy. It is fundamentally a statistics and data aggregator, collecting data over UDP, aggregating it and then forwarding on to a backend service, such as Graphite.

More details can be found over at the Statsd Github page.

25 questions
1 answer

Adjust time settings on server: change time or timezone in OS, or configure graphite settings?

So I have a server collecting metrics via StatsD, which get aggregated and shown via the Graphite webapp. If I mark the Auto-Refresh option in my chart, the time doesn't match with the time I'm on. I'm in Hong Kong and it's 5:20PM now, and the…
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2 answers

Monitoring and Alerting for application traffic

Currently I put hourly traffic (total number of input requests) of my website in a MySQL table. I keep data for the last 90 days. I want to check every hour, lets say 6th hour, that whether the traffic has increased/decreased beyond some threshold…
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1 answer

Normalising vhost name from varnish for statsd

The setup I am collecting statistics from Varnish with Logstash, which is configured to increment statsd counters based on the vhost in the server logs and the result code. I also have carbon creating whisper archives for graphite. I'm reading logs…
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How to capture UDP traffic so it can be piped to grep

I'm trying to capture UDP traffic which is being sent as StatsD metrics (on port 8125). The most simple approach I tried is to run nc -ul 8125 which prints the metrics to the terminal...but they are not newline separated. Additionally, piping the…
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1 answer

Aggregate per timestamp datapoints in graphite

My first post so be gentle please! So I have an installation of graphite up and running on Ubuntu 16.04 server. (version 0.10) I am sending in metrics and everything works fine, but I am sending in multiple timestamps at once. As in I am sending in…
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How to view historical usage metrics, per process?

My first inclination here would be something built into SAR, or the sysstat package in general. If that is indeed the case however, I can't seem to find this solution. What I would like to see, and absolutely preferably through sysstat if possible,…
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2 answers

How to send server metrics data to statsd?

Our monitoring stack is Grafana + InluxDB + statsD. We use it for application monitoring. We need to add server metrics (CPU, memory, network connections, etc...) to Grafana, so I'm guessing we'll need some agent to collect server metrics and pass…
Eran Betzalel
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1 answer

Logstash conditional output to statsd - based on haproxy request URI

I have Logstash version 1.4.2 analysing haproxy logs using the HAPROXYHTTP pattern, and it is already sending counters and timing information to statsd for aggregation and onward storage in Graphite/Whisper. Now I would like to count the specific…
1 answer

How do I get the Graphite webapp to (re)read what's currently coming from collectd?

I have collectd running the tail plugin and writing data out using the write_graphite plugin (via carbon). This seems to work. If I then change the tail plugin config (e.g. change the Regex or DSType), and restart collectd, graphite stops showing me…
1 answer

how to write a script in statsD to insert metrics information in graphite

Can anyone please guide me about how to write scripts for statsD & see the metric in Graphite. I am getting the graphs for the default scripts run by statsd to graphite i.e Cpu usage etc but i dont know how to write my own script to monitor some…
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