Questions tagged [startup]

This tag is related to startup of servers or services.

This tag is related to starting servers, and starting services on servers. It includes actions related to system startup, such as when the system is first powered on.

223 questions
3 answers

init.d tomcat6 script

I "installed" tomcat on ubuntu by just unzipping it. Is there a standard script I can use for /etc/init.d/tomcat? Or do I need to create one? Currently I have created one that works, but I didn't know if there was a more correct way to do this.
Jeff Storey
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installing a script as startup service in ubuntu

I have a script in ~/openerp/stable6/server/bin/.I want it to be run at startup.(As a service or not - I don't know the difference) These are the steps I followed 1 Created a script 'openerp-server' with the following lines in…
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Icinga error "Icinga Startup Delay does not exist" although it does

I just installed icinga to monitor my server following this guide: Everything built and installed correctly, but icinga is reporting a critical error with the reason: "The command defined…
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1 answer

httpd loading 'Test Page' after adding httpd to startup

I recently added httpd to start during the start up by doing this: cd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ ln -s /etc/init.d/httpd S80httpd Although httpd starts on boot, seems like my DocumentRoot that was set in httpd.conf located in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf does…
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how auto run pppoe connection for valid ip on windows server 2008 [startup folder not help]

i bought an ip valid from my adsl isp and made a pppoe connection for using that ip in my windows server 2008.(my server) i want to force that connection to run automatically when log off/on or windows starts! i made a shortcut of that connection in…
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Server 2008 R2 Slow Startup fix

We are currently running 2 Server 2008 R2 Active Directory Domain Controllers at work, and a fail-over cluster running on them to provide resilient File, Print and DHCP serving. Server1 holds all of the FSMO roles, and is a GC, and Server2 is just a…
3 answers

How do you start ColdFusion MX 7?

I'm running it on a Windows 2003 machine. I can start it from the C:\CFusionMX7\bin\cfstart.bat, but when I close the command prompt window, it shuts down again. Is there another method for starting it up the right way? I don't see anything in the…
John B
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2 answers

Commands /etc/init/boot.local get started before some environment variables get initialized

I have OpenSuse 11.4. I start some on-boot scripts inside /etc/init/boot.local. Where could I move those scripts so that they would be started after all (most) environment variables got initialized? These scripts need to be started really once, so…
1 answer

How and when should I mount a remote filesystem using SSHFS?

I managed to get SSHFS working smoothly. I've added the following line to my /etc/fstab: sshfs#xxx@remote_host:/path_to/remote/content /path_to/local/content fuse \ comment=sshfs,noauto,user,exec,allow_other,reconnect,kernel_cache, \ …
Jan Deinhard
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(Ubuntu) How to ensure that webserver has been started before the desktop environment is shown?

I'm trying to create my own Linux distro in LiveCD format. I have put a webserver in my Linux LiveCD, and make it automatically startup during boot time. I have made the LiveCD to auto-login to desktop environment without requiring user to type in…
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1 answer

how to workaround glassfish 3.0.1 admin page slow startup?

I've installed netbeans which comes with glassfish. i just got a book about glassfish and i wanted to try.the first surprise is the time it took to the admin page to load. i've found on serverfault and by googling that the server is making call to…
black sensei
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3 answers

Ubuntu restarting a startup program

I have a program that I added to /etc/rc.local to have it run as soon as the server starts. The problem is that sometimes the program stops responding and I need to restart it but I can not restart the server. I can only restart the server at night…
John Soer
2 answers

Why I cant access my new AWS EC2 instances?

I am new to AWS Ec2. I just launch a instance, uploaded a test.php and test.html, both just display a "Hello world" text. I copied my public DNS: But it always has connection time out. I managed to connect…
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MSSQLSERVER Will Not Start - Event ID 913 and 1814

I need some serious help. I have a major database server down and am scratching my head at how to fix it. The server was hit by rolling black outs last week in Dallas and sense then, Microsoft SQL 2005 SP2 will not start up. I am getting the…
ThaKidd KG5ORD
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2 answers

Cannot bring up ejabberd after VPS change made by hosting company

My hosting provider WebFusion updated my VPS with security patches late last night. Since then I cannot start my ejabberd instance. I get the following errors, which seem to indicate that the hostname has changed. =ERROR REPORT==== 2010-11-29…