Questions tagged [startup]

This tag is related to startup of servers or services.

This tag is related to starting servers, and starting services on servers. It includes actions related to system startup, such as when the system is first powered on.

223 questions
3 answers

Automatically start docker container's linked dependencies

I run gitlab in a docker container and it separates its dependencies (MySQL, Redis, Mailserver) quite nicely into separate docker containers. Running them is not a problem, I start them in reverse order: the dependencies first, than gitlab…
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2 answers

Windows Group Policy Startup script is not executed at startup

I have written a .cmd file which calls ten different .exe files. I am able to run this .cmd file locally, on my server, and it works fine. When I use [gpedit.msc] (Group Policy Editor) for "Computer Configuration, Windows Settings" and set my .cmd…
1 answer

How to schedule VMs to startup and shutdown

I'm running several VMs (Mainly windows XP) on a 2008 server under Hyper-V. I'd like to automatically schedule some of these machines to startup and shutdown according to a schedule. To limit availability to the times when people are supposed to be…
Tom Brown
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7 answers

Tools/servers/services to run a web startup office

For a dev who doubles up as a sysadmin in small web startup, what services/servers/devices do you recommend running? I am also open to best-practices suggestions To get the ball rolling- here are some of what I have. OSSIM suite Pingdom to…
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3 answers

Changing MySQL startup timeout ([fail] reported although mysql properly started)

I've created a script to cleanup InnoDB storage engine. Everything works fine except that creating the ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1 files when innodb_log_file_size is set to 1GB takes a while which causes /etc/init.d/mysql to timeout and report a…
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1 answer

SSH: How to start a process that won't end after system reboot?

Is there a way to do this so when I reboot my linux server the process will reopen on startup?
1 answer

Grub 1.99 default?

I have been running into an issue. I have my grub set to run the only OS on power on, and the BIOS to automatically restart the machine if it dies. The issue is that if the machine dies (from say a power failure), when it is powered back on it…
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3 answers

How to test /etc/rc.d/rc.local to make sure a command will start successfully at boot?

I'm using tyrantmanager to manage several instances of Tokyo Tyrant. It's working fine. I want to get it to start at boot, so I add the following command into /etc/rc.local: /usr/local/bin/tyrantmanager start --home=/data/tyrant/ (this will be OK…
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2 answers

Why does rc.local require absolute paths? How can I run a script at startup that doesn't use them?

I have a script that runs at startup from rc.local in CentOS. This script contains a command to compile my erlang project using a third party build command called rebar. The rebar line fails to compile my project at startup, but if I then run it…
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1 answer

Mysql ndb cluster - node restart

I just setup a mysql cluster on a fairly decent baby (IBM x3650 M3) with 24GB memory, xeon 6core, SAS 6Gbps HDD. Running Debian Lenny 5. 64bits. Ndb version is 7.1.9a. Our database size on MyISAM is around 3.2 GB. Ndb_size estimation is 58GB for…
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4 answers

Need a way to run a script on windows boot up prior to a user logging in

I need to run a custom script which runs when Windows boots up.I know its possible to run it when a user logs in but I want to run it when the system reboots i.e. prior to a user logging in. The OS in question is Windows 2003 and Windows 2000
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2 answers

Windows pptp VPN at startup

I'd like to connect windows pptp client at startup. Is it possible? because I need a vpn link between two windows server and so (because it's a server) I don't want to let a logged user to the system.... Even if you have a comment on what I want to…
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1 answer

systemd service script for libreoffice/openoffice

I'm trying to setup correctly a headless libreoffice/openoffice server on a debian jessie. I created a script named /etc/systemd/system/openoffice.service with the following content [Unit] Description=OpenOffice…
1 answer

Debian 8 Jessie not displaying startup services and messages

Recently I setup a new box with Debian 8 Jessie (I used Debian 6 and 7 on other boxes). I was disappointed to see the startup messages only on 2 or 3 text lines. No more list of startup services written "OK" or "Failed", or filesystem details with…
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1 answer

How to sequence a proper shutdown and startup of web services with systemd?

I am trying to structure the shutdown and startup of Apache, PHP-FPM and MariaDB services using systemd: These are the additional configuration files in /etc/systemd/system folder: # httpd.service .include…
Question Overflow
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