Questions tagged [startup]

This tag is related to startup of servers or services.

This tag is related to starting servers, and starting services on servers. It includes actions related to system startup, such as when the system is first powered on.

223 questions
6 answers

Single Person ISV, What Type of Server Hardware do you Recommend?

I am planning on taking a small product of mine live soon. I was wondering what kind of hardware you would recommend for a new small website. Is using the 'Cloud'(Amazon) a good option. Or is it better to have intimate control over my hardware? Are…
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8 answers

How can I improve my Windows XP start up time?

Windows boot time is pretty good, but it takes forever to get to my desktop once I login. Whats the best way to find out whats happening? I only have 3 items in my Startup folder, but the admins at work seem to have installed like 30 things into…
Eric Johnson
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1 answer

EC2 Startup - How to Tell When Windows Ready?

I am working with Amazon EC2, and I have some Windows AMIs backed with EBS. When I launch a new instance from an EBS snapshot, the EC2Config service prepares the Windows machine for me. I know when EC2Config is done because I can check the…
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7 answers

Tomcat won't start - how to check that port 8080 is not in use

Tomcat won't start, and it has worked perfectly before. I suspect something else is running on port 8080. I am running Windows Vista. How do I check that nothing else is using port 8080? I have recently downloaded several versions of Jetty. Could…
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4 answers

Cygwin startup error /usr/bin/id: cannot find name for group ID

I use cygwin at work to get quick access to unix tools and as an ssh terminal. I recently installed some new Cygwin packages and now when I try and open a terminal it is very slow and gives the following error: /usr/bin/id: cannot find name for…
Greg Bray
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2 answers

Getting shell script to run as a daemon on CentOS?

EDIT: For some reason half of my post got truncated, not sure what happened. I will update soon and will post that it is updated here at the top. EDIT: I have updated the post again, sorry for the incomplete question. EDIT (8:55PM EST 10/10/2011):…
Lester Peabody
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2 answers

Delay Windows (member) Server start-up until Domain Controller is available

What is the most efficient way do delay (or pause) the cold start-up of Windows domain member servers until a domain server is available? There are ways to delay the start-up of a server , but it is a bit inefficient, because there is no real need…
Francois Nel
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2 answers

httpd service will not start on boot under CentOS 6

I am having trouble configuring a CentOS 6 Vagrant setup to start the Apache service on boot. I have tried using chkconfig and the OS seems to just ignore it. When I run sudo chkconfig --list httpd, I get httpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on…
Zac Crites
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2 answers

mysql doesn't start after relocating data dir

I have a web-server where the default installation of mysql places all its database files in /var/lib/mysql. The partition where /var is mounted has only 2GB of space, so after running in space problems, I decided to relocate mysql's data…
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2 answers

What does userinit.exe do?

When Windows starts, by default userinit.exe runs. What exactly does this program do? I know what it does in general - e.g., initiates the logon script - but I am looking for the full details of all the steps it takes.
Shannon Wagner
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3 answers

When a startup should hire a sys admin?

The startup is growing and you have now 5 full-time devs on your team. You have an older application which is up and running in production and a new web application almost ready to be released. You have something like 5 physical servers (some new,…
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2 answers

Centos 7. Freeradius fails to start on boot due to priority

I was messing around with FreeRADIUS and MySQL (MariaDB) and it seems FreeRADIUS service can't start properly on startup. But it starts fine using root user or in debug mode (radiusd -X) and works just fine! Debug mode shows no errors. systemctl…
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3 answers

Why is access to my database very slow?

I have a mysql database that used to work perfectly fine, but now it is dead slow on startup. When I type in $> mysql -u foo bar I get the following usual message for about 30 seconds before I get a prompt : Reading table information for completion…
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4 answers

control startup order of several servers

I'm looking for recommendations on how to control the startup order of a rack of machine should they all need to be booted back up. In more detail: Group1: DHCP/DNS/LDAP Server Group2: NFS servers Group3: Web Servers Compute Nodes I'm…
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3 answers

Error starting postgresql server on ubuntu

I recently stopped the postgresql database (that was working perfectly), and after a couple of days, when I try to start it, I get the errors: 2011-01-03 23:56:27 CLST LOG: could not translate host name "localhost", service "5432" to address: Name…
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