Needed some help getting a simple task done at work.

I have about 30 machines in my work domain that i want to run a power-shell script on at startup. I have created a GPO that runs the script on all machines at startup and all machines have the GPO applied successfully. The power-shell script is supposed to lookup a service on the machine and if it finds it, it starts it up and that's it. If the service does not exist, the script continues running and copies a file stored on a shared folder in the domain into the machine and then creates the service then starts it up.

MY PROBLEM: the script does not run automatically on all machines.

After some troubleshooting i found out that running scripts on the machines with the domain user logged in is not allowed and when i try to run the script manually on each machine i get an error that says running scripts is disabled, so i created a GPO that enables running scripts on the machines by enabling the Turn on Script Execution Policy. Regardless the script did not do it's job after restarting the machines and i still get the same error when i try manually. Then i tried to run the script manually as admin on the machines and the script performed it's work perfectly.

Also tried adding the following two commands -based on suggestions from other people having similar problems- in the beginning of the power-shell script, the first to elevate the script to run as admin and the second to allow running scripts on the machine and it did not make any change. COMMAND #1: start-process powershell –verb runAs COMMAND #2: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

Currently the number of device is going to get close to 200 and i need to get this script to run as admin on all machines from the applied GPO. Waiting to read some solutions from you shortly

Thanks in advance.

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  • Is it a Startup script or a Logon script in your GPO? Also you should set the execution policy before executing the script... – ZivkoK Jan 24 '22 at 08:03

1 Answers1


Try this implementation approach:

  • Use GPO to run your script via Task Scheduler as SYSTEM, not a user
  • Give Domain Computers AD group access to a share for the script to be able to copy file from it
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