Questions tagged [ssh-keys]

an authorization mechanism for SSH involving public-key cryptography.

SSH keys are an authorization mechanism for SSH involving public-key cryptography. It consists of

  • A private/public key pair generated by a utility like ssh-keygen.
  • A configured (in /etc/ssh/sshd_config) SSH daemon that allows public key authentication.
  • A configured user account that has the public key copied to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
760 questions
0 answers

ssh - forward credentials without Agent Forwarding (likeProxyCommand)?

I would like to be able to use my local credentials in a remote session without Agent forwarding if possible. The reasons: Agent forwarding has security issues (port accessible to remote root users) I am in a terminal session and ssh-askpass…
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2 answers

Local GitLab Not Accepting SSH Key

I checked out this post, but it seems like it was written for OSX and/or Windows, and I'm not really sure how to apply it to my situation: GitLab Not Working With SSH-Keys I set up my GitLab instance normally, using Omnibus (the bash script that…
1 answer

How can I generate multiple ssh keys for a new Ansible server?

I work on an on-premise network, and we have an Ansible server connected via SSH-Keys to around 400 servers. I've wanted to recreate the Ansible VM, due to the fact that it was poorly made on top of the fact that it is on an unstable, soon to be out…
0 answers

PasswordLess SSH

We have establish a Passwordless SSH connection between Windows Machine and Linux. For this we have copied public key in .ssh/authorized_key in linux machine. SSH connection was working fine and we were using "userA" for SSH. But when password of…
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1 answer

How to connect GCP, VM machine with WinSCP

I created Virtual machine (VM) instance in the GCP but unable to connect with WinSCP from the windows machine. I created on VM instance in the GCP then generated pub key by using command ssh-keygen and upload in the WinSCP…
0 answers

Issues with seamless ssh connect via public key

I am trying to set up a seamless ssh connection from one server to another for the first time. While I think I managed to create a user and fitting rsa keys just fine, I can't actually connect via ssh, as it is giving me an Permission denied…
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1 answer

Using Password-Protected SSH Keys for Unattended Scripts on Remote Server

From PC1, I SSH into SERVER1 where I have a bash script, that will SSH & auth to SERVER2 using an SSH-key that's password-protected. Everything works fine when I manually execute my script, using ssh-agent to load my password-protected key into…
0 answers

Adding SSH keys to local machine's SSH agent using Ansible

I'm trying to automate some of my personal server setup using Ansible, in order to wipe my disk clean and migrate to Ubuntu 20.04. Part of this process is installing the SSH keys I use for Github access. The SSH public/secret keys are stored in…
Mark LeMoine
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0 answers

ssh public key auth fails for private git server

I want to git push from a local debian 10 user to my server (debian 10) where I have set up a git server under the username git using ssh public key auth. The problem is: it still asks for the password. First of all, pushing via password works fine.…
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1 answer

Automating SSH authentication to GitHub - what should ~/.ssh/config file look like?

I'm trying to automate logins to GitHub using a private key, so that I can do "git pull/add/commit/push" from a BASH script. If I put this in ~/.ssh/config, it works: Hostname User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mygitkey.pem Unfortunately,…
John Heyer
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1 answer

Use the same SSH key to both connect to remote server and push to GitHub from that server

I've generated an SSH key pair to log to my remote server. I've also added that same public key in GitHub. So from my own machine, I have SSH access to GitHub: Hi hdodov! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access. …
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SSH pub key add to authorized key

How to add public key to servers authorized_keys file if i use it on Windows (cat command does not work simply) and i know how to add with scp command or with sftp and it's work fine but the problame is this is overwrite the current keys to new. I…
1 answer

cannot ssh into Amazon EC2 Instance, first time setting it up

Can't SSH into instance, security groups and everything else looks good. Is the not having a key pair the problem?
1 answer

Is it possible to generate a new SSH Key pair for an existing instance?

Setup: Bitnami Wordpress Lightsail Stack Is it possible to generate a new SSH key pair for an existing instance? What are the steps to generate a new SSH key pair for an existing instance (without stoping or deleting the existing instance) if that…
1 answer

Can't SSH into Google Cloud Compute instance using OS Login after `dnf upgrade`

I have a Google Cloud Platform Compute instance running CentOS 7. It has been working just fine, where I can use it with the web-based SSH interface without any problem. Recently, I switched to "OS Login" and set it up so I can use RSA keys to…