Questions tagged [ssh-keys]

an authorization mechanism for SSH involving public-key cryptography.

SSH keys are an authorization mechanism for SSH involving public-key cryptography. It consists of

  • A private/public key pair generated by a utility like ssh-keygen.
  • A configured (in /etc/ssh/sshd_config) SSH daemon that allows public key authentication.
  • A configured user account that has the public key copied to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
760 questions
1 answer

How can i change the default ssh rsa key used?

I'm using Ubuntu and I have a few keys which i'm using to connect to remote machines. The key I created using ssh-keygen -t rsa is located in my home folder at ~/.ssh/ and called rsa_id. I have another key which is being used by the DevOps team in…
Itai Ganot
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1 answer

SSH through another machine at work to an external server

I'm fairly sure this will have been asked before, I have found similar questions but I do not fully understand how to apply them to my situation. So, sorry for asking again. We have a number of servers located in a data centre which have firewall…
Luke Cousins
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2 answers

Logging in using SSH keys

I created a non-root user, new_user, on a Red Hat Linux machine. I then logged in as new_user and created a private/public key pair. I've created /home/new_user/.ssh, and I've appended the public key to the authorized_keys file, but I'm not able to…
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sudo password with key authentication

I'm logging into my CentOS server using key authentication. I'm attempting to sudo a command but I don't know what the password is! How can I find this?
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Best way to lock out a group once per week

A SSH server I admin is to be allowed login from a group of users all days of week except sunday. How would be your elegant solution to this? Thanks any input on comments or creative +and+ secure answers. It should also kick out logged users. And…
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How to uninstall ssh-keygen utility safely?

I am being tasked to remove ssh-keygen from Ubuntu servers and I don't want to break the computer. Can you please help, how to uninstall ssh-keygen utility safely? Thanks
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VPN connection for SSH access to a single publicly available

My goal is to have a VPN tunnel on a single port on a server's public IP and be able to SSH into the server with an additional VPN layer of encryption. DETAILS OF THE SERVER CONFIGURATION: I am running CentOS 7 on both server and clients. The…
I'm Root James
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1 answer

ssh force user to user ssh-add

I am trying to understand how this functionality works. I have digital ocean account. I have given digital ocean an ssh public key to associate with any server that I spin up. Once I've created a droplet if I try to ssh as root to the server it…
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1 answer

set up root password aws instance

I need to set the password for root user when sudo su -, ubuntu user should login via ssh key only. #ssh -i server.pem$ sudo su - --> should prompt the password of root --> and also I…
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SSH — allow login with public key only / disable login with password

I am quite new to server administration and I am not doing it very often. Today I wanted to secure my server, especially the ssh server. Is it possible to configure ssh so that only users can login if an public exists in the autorized_keys file? In…
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3 answers

Is it possible to use key based auth AND interactive auth with SSH?

I'd like to use key based auth so I can SSH to linux systems without needing to specify a password and just worry about keeping the key file safe, but there's a chance that someone else (who that someone is won't necessarily be known in advance)…
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2 answers

SSH using ssh_key from a different account

Is there a way for a user to ssh as a different user using ssh_keys? For example, i have host A B and C. User X SSHes from A to B as himself ( A -- as X --> B ) Now the user wants to SSH to C from B but as a diff account ( Y ) B --- as Y ---> C I…
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1 answer

Impossible to connect ssh /root/.ssh/known_hosts': No such file or directory

I can't connect to my server with ssh. I have already started a session with ssh but i know if i quit this session, i won't be able to connect again to my server. ssh @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ …
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3 answers

Unable to connect using SSH keys

I am trying to connect to my linux server using the following: ssh-keygen -t rsa I then do: cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh myusername@myserver_ip 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' I then go to my remote server and see that a "authorized_keys" file has…
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1 answer

Management of password disable server

This question is just for curiosity. I am studying a bit of server administration and have seen many people saying that having passwords is a bad idea and they should be disabled. But my question is: if the passwords are disabled and the admin…
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