Questions tagged [public-key-encryption]

17 questions
1 answer

Is there a way to see which groups/users have access to an RSA key container?

I used aspnet_regiis to create an RSA key container (machine container). I want to secure it and I know I can use the -pa and -pr commands to specify access. But is there a way to see which accounts/groups have access to it? My concern is I…
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GPG Encryption: Am I using the right keys?

I have a process to encrypt a bank file using OpenPGP (via BouncyCastle) and SFTP the file to the bank for financial processing. They sent me a public key file, which I examined the key using the following command (results follow): C:\Program Files…
Jeremy Holovacs
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4 answers

sftp and public keys

I am trying to sftp into an a server hosted by someone else. To make sure this worked I did the standard sftp i was promted with the password and that worked fine. I am setting up a cron script to send a file once a week so have…
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Protecting wired LAN from packet sniffers

How one encrypts traffic in wired LAN segment? Can IPv6 in combination with IPSec be configured for IKE/ISAKMP authentication? OR Will I drown in configuring appropriate IKE host-to-host rules for the ISAKMP? OR Should I look towards 802.1X-2010…
P. D
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2 answers

openssl smime message signing: why do I need a -certfile key?

Here is how one should sign a message with openssl smime? according to the docs openssl smime -sign -in in.txt -text -out mail.msg -signer mycert.pem \ -inkey mykey.pem -certfile mycerts.pem But why is there a -signer key with a certificate --…
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Why i am getting falied attemps inspite of having public key logins in centos

I am using amazon ec2 and i have public key encryption. I was checking the /var/log/secure file and i get this Jul 17 21:14:18 server sshd[26590]: Excess permission or bad ownership on file /var/log/btmp Jul 17 21:14:18 server sshd[26591]:…
MOtaro Site
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How to provide encryption across file, folder, and email for small company

I'm the 1/2 time IT person for a small company. We run a MS environment using a Server 2003 Domain Controller, MS Storage Server 2003, and Exchange 2003. It finally occurred to them that I as an admin can pretty much see everything including…
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How can I know that I have the right intermediate certificate in a certificate chain?

When manually building a certificate you often do something like this, appending an intermediate certificate to your own (and sometimes the root CA): # Concatenate intermediate certificate and root certificate cat ${CERTNAME}.single.pem…
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0 answers

Is key generation algorithm(RSA/DSA) should always same as key exchange algorithm (RSA/DSA) for communication?

I have generated keys(public and private ) using SSH 2- RSA using putty key generator and configured public key in bitvise SSH server. when i am trying to connect it with using key exchange : RSA based key exchange it working fine . however when i…
1 answer

Encrypting properties with "eyaml edit" without a private key?

I would like to use eyaml edit to edit my Puppet/Hiera configuration files. My configuration files are a mixture of encrypted and plain text content. I want to use eyaml edit to encrypt certain properties. So initially my files will contain…
2 answers

How to tell SFTP which public key to use?

SFTP has an option "-i" to set the private key to use for public key authentication. However, there does not appear to be an option for which matching public key to use. Surely it must need this to tell the server which public key to use for the…
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Dovecot (scrambler-plugin) mysql password & user query fails

I currently try to update my mailserver to encrypt all mailboxes, using the posteo scrambler plugin. I have the following mysql DB: mysql> describe accounts; | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra …
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SSH public key not Working - No supported authentication methods available

I'm trying to allow another developer to connect to a our ubuntu server and they are getting the below error in FileZilla. Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey) Could not connect to server I…
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Connecting to a remote server using SSH from a Mac

I have generated a public key file ( and a private key file (id_rsa) and placed them in my ~/.ssh folder According to the server admin, he has already added "my key" to the server for accessing it. Could someone please clarify : when he…
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Failing SSH after disabling Root Login

After generating the private and public key for a RHEL Client and storing the public key in the authorized_keys folder of the RHEL 7 Server, I disabled the Root Login in the Server by going to /etc/ssh/sshd_config and setting PermitRootLogin to no.…
Raghav Gupta
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