Questions tagged [sql-server-2016]

63 questions
2 answers

Issue installing SQL SERVER EXPR 2012/2016 on Server 2012 R2

I have been running SQL SERVER Express 2008 on Server 2012 R2 for some time. I recently began researching the migration process to move to SQL SERVER EPXRESS 2016. Because the original DB was migrated from Express 2005 the compatibility level was 90…
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cannot do any operation on the ssrs manager

I have installed a named instance of sql server with reporting services (2016) on my local machine. But in the reporting service manager (the web portal) I cannot perform any operation*. My guess is that there is a problem in connection between…
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Does Always On in Sql Server 2016 work better with Windows Server 2016?

I am interested in using Sql Server 2016's upgraded Always On features. But my DBA has said that these features work better with Windows Server 2016. He suggested waiting for Windows Server 2016 to release before we start using those features. The…
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Databases "Synchronized / In Recovery" after adding server to SQL Avaylability Group

I have an SQL AlwaysOn Availabilty Group configured with 2 nodes. The AG works without any problem with this 2 nodes and I can do a failover to/from any of them (this servers are on the same network). Recently, I added another server to the AG, but…
2 answers

How to allow remote connection to SQL Server instance only to specific public IP Address (white-list) & restrict access to all other IP's

How do I allow remote connection to SQL Server instance only to specific public IP Address (white-list)? For example, login from SSMS to SQL Server instance hosted on Windows dedicated server allowing access only from specific public IP. Also, the…
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How to install a certificate and encryption on SQL Server without downtime?

So I have a SQL Server 2016 instance running a mission critical workload. I want to install an SSL/TLS (publicly signed) certificate into the server, and enable encryption. But I don't want to incur any downtime during this process. I am worried…
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Azure File Sync Svc installed on same server as SQL Server Issues

I've got Azure File Sync Service installed on the same server as SQL Server 2016. I'm attributing the issue to the File Sync service because this is the only change made to server after the issues start. The app logs show the following error…
1 answer

Failover cluster SQL server 2016: 'the remote computer refused the connection'

BACKGROUND We have a new SQL server 2016 failover cluster (without Always On) (clu1) with 2 nodes (sql1-2) and 4 roles/instances (app1-4) Connections from de nodes to the cluster instances work fine SSMS: clu1-app1\app1 THE ISSUE However, we can't…
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SQLLOGDIR token maps to wrong path

I've some jobs running, which use the SQLLOGDIR token. Currently it places output in the following location: D:\sql\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log However, I'd like to log it to H:\ I've been into the "SQL Server Configuration Manager", where I've…
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Azure Cloud Witness with HTTP proxy

Windows Server Documentation states: Proxy considerations with Cloud Witness Cloud Witness uses HTTPS (default port 443) to establish communication with Azure blob service. Ensure that HTTPS port is accessible via network Proxy. How do I configure…
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WS 2012R2 Hyper-V Exchange and SQL Guest Backups

Background: 2012R2 host running Hyper-V. Virtualised: DC, Exchange 2013 and SQL 2016 (2012R2). This is a lab environment so numerous options are welcomed. In short, we currently backup the entire environment using WSB at the host level. The Full VSS…
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No remote client protocols are enabled and no remote protocol was specified in the connection string

Here's my situation. There are three servers: Windows Server 2016 (Server-1) Windows Server 2016 (Server-2) Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server 2016 (Server-SQL) I have some C# code which connects to Server-SQL which is identical on both Server-1…
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Find outdated statistic in SQL server?

I have a stored proc which searches "bad" data in our application database (sql server 2016 enterprise, ~500gb data). "bad" in a business/process sense. It normally takes 10-30s to execute. After some days it takes suddenly 5+ minutes to execute. My…
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How to stop process fdhost?

I'm trying to update SQL Server 2016 to CU7. During the Files in Use check, I'm prompted to stop fdhost.exe for each running instance in order to prevent the need for a reboot. But how to stop this process? I've stopped the Full-text Filter service…
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Load balancing and failover with SQL 2016 and IIS on AWS

I apologize if this question is too general, but i just wanted a sanity check for a setup I've been planning. Right now i have an application that runs on an AWS server, with SQL and IIS both installed on the same server with about 4 GB RAM. …
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