I've some jobs running, which use the SQLLOGDIR token. Currently it places output in the following location: D:\sql\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log

However, I'd like to log it to H:\

I've been into the "SQL Server Configuration Manager", where I've changed a startup paramter, -eH:\ERRORLOG.

Then, I restarted the entire server, for good measure.

However, the job still thinks SQLLOGDIR maps to the path on D:\ instead of H:\.

What else could be needed to change SQLLOGDIR?

I'm running MSSQLServer 2016 enterprise.

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1 Answers1


Turns out that SQLLOGDIR doesn't map to the SQL Server error log folder path, but rather that of the SQL Server Agent!

So the problem was fixed, by rightclickling on the "Error Logs" folder, under SQL Server Agent, in SSMS, and choosing configure. Configure context

Here i could set the correct path. Configure window

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