Questions tagged [spam]

Unsolicited e-mail, comments or posts, often sent out in large volumes; possibly but not necessarily commercial in nature

Spam can refer to:

  • Junk e-mail
  • Unwanted posts on a website
  • Unwanted comments on a post on a website
  • A large number of posts designed to crash a system rather than provide useful content

For our canonical Q&A about how to prevent email you send from being flagged as spam, see How to send emails and avoid them being classified as spam?.

1384 questions
2 answers

ubuntu postfix send mail marked as spam

I set up a mail server, when I give Gmail to send test message is marked as spam system: ubuntu + postfix + dkim + dk + spf + ptr This is the message header Delivered-To: Received: by with SMTP id c1csp254265qcv; …
1 answer

Using DKIM in my server for multiple domains (websites)

As I couldn't find this exact tutorial in Stack, I share my findings with al of you. I always get things solved thanks to this comunity. Thanks! Original question: I've read the tutorial posted by MountainX…
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On my Amazon EC2 instance for a school project. I tracked visitor IPs and within 5 minutes an IP linked to (Huawei/China Netcom) appeared

I'm not sure if there are any rules here regarding posting specific IP addresses so I will take the address down if necessary. As aforementioned, I put up an IP tracker on my Amazon EC2 instance for fun (and to see if my TAs had looked at my project…
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2 answers

Second mail server for my domain

I have to setup a mail server because my hosting account don't allow me to send over 250 mail/hour. I have a HP microserver at home and I want to use it to send the mails. I configured Virtualmin on it and i created the domain in it (I…
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2 answers

Nginx massive error.log, am I being DDOSed?

So I just opened up my Nginx error log as all my pages are throwing error code 500. It's enormous, my site is still in development and their are well over 100k errors for resources Nginx was unable to find all with spammy names, it's like someone is…
George Reith
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1 answer

Black Listing in outbound relayed e-mail

We send outgoing e-mail with one server relaying e-mail through another server. When e-mail is getting black-listed, is it the originating server that is being blacklisted or the relay?
John P
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2 answers

Postifx sends spam. Need to prevent

Possible Duplicate: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY I have a configured dovecot + postfix + mysql. Few days ago i have received abuse from DC that i am sending spam. And really in the /var/log/mail.log i have found records of sending mails not…
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2 answers

Emails safely reaching spam bin

I started an emailing server. My emails are directly sent to Gmail, Yahoo, AOL & HotMail's spam bin. I can't understand how to fix my errors. I tried sending email to Hotmail which was marked as spam. I am posting the headers here and DNS records,…
1 answer

How to pass SPAM filters?

I just configured Postfix and Dovecot, I can send and receive emails. At the moment I have a problem with Hotmail, all my email are saved on the SPAM folder. My MX has few days, maybe they will control my MX and then set it to their…
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1 answer

How to fix spam listing of IP due to SMTP HELO banner

Spamhaus has listed my IP a few times for an apparent problem. They are indicating: A device using is infected with malware and is emitting spam. is making SMTP connections with HELO values that indicate a problem. The HELOs…
1 answer

Identifying the spam source on my Centos6.9 smtp sendmail server

The server has also httpd with PHP services running I did read the guide here: I did install EXIM My client complains they never had this happen on the Windows Server 2000, 2003, 2012. Here…
1 answer

Does anti spam software block IP addresses of large smtp providers?

Does anti spam software routinely block IP addresses of large smtp providers such as Mailchimp or SalesHandy?
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1 answer

Spam rejecting configuration (Postfix)

I want to configure Postfix to reject spam from the Internet. I found the following example here: smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject smtpd_helo_restrictions = reject_unknown_helo_hostname smtpd_sender_restrictions =…
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1 answer

Spam emails for download?

Is there a place where I could download as much spam emails as possible, having been sent from as much different worldwide locations as possible? To clarify: I am not after databases which contain hashes of spam emails or which contain IP addresses…
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1 answer

Some type of spam?

Found this in my access log, seems someone tried to do it almost 7000 times. - - [26/Oct/2015:10:24:46 -0500] "POST /E29B290A-F63C-A647-AC51-14BDE51AB2B4/B06877C8-CED9-9341-A670-73A592299ABF/from HTTP/1.1" 404 5417 "website removed"…
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