Questions tagged [spam]

Unsolicited e-mail, comments or posts, often sent out in large volumes; possibly but not necessarily commercial in nature

Spam can refer to:

  • Junk e-mail
  • Unwanted posts on a website
  • Unwanted comments on a post on a website
  • A large number of posts designed to crash a system rather than provide useful content

For our canonical Q&A about how to prevent email you send from being flagged as spam, see How to send emails and avoid them being classified as spam?.

1384 questions
1 answer

Postfix - Allow emails to virtual domains but block spam?

My Postfix is set up with virtual domains. This allows people to send an email to * and it'll be forwarded to my gmail account. Basically the end goal is to simply allow people to email and it will be forwarded on…
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Exchange 2013 Spam / Junk Email

We have an Exchange 2013 installation ready to go live in our organization. Due to budget restraints, our spam solution will be added in 3-6 months. We are going to use the built-in Anti-spam and malware solutions that are built into Exchange 2013…
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Google-style “Your network is generating too much traffic” bounce for postfix

I'm being attacked from a botnet and I found out about it because I got this email from mailer-daemon telling me there's no space left on device. The mail.log was filled up with messages like Dec 5 01:56:14 ip-xxx-xxx-xxx postfix/smtpd[9634]:…
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3 answers

identifying emailids that flagged your email as spam

We send out emails to many people who may be interested selling old books. Some people ask us to remove them from our lists and we comply gladly. But some others simply flag our messages as spam. We want to remove these people from our lists too but…
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Blocking unsubscribe spam

I have SpamAssassin turned on and using RBL in the WHM control panel using the lists from spamhaus. However, these type of e-mails are getting in. Are there any ways to stop them? Example of the e-mails I have been…
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Email header analysis

I have an email header which is showing the following information, which i believe is faked. The mail purports to be from a gmail account but I'm not sure if this is the case. Ordinarily you read the headers from the bottom up, which suggests the…
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delete spam with mailenable

I am using mailenable on my VPS server. How can I set up mailenable to checking incoming emails to my server if they are spam or not and if so, delete them?
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EL5 /etc/hosts.deny not denying ".top"?

I get spam e-mails from places such as among a LOT of others. I have an appropriate entry in /etc/hosts.deny but it doesn't seem to block anything from the .top domain. See below. Is it wrong? I tried simply ".top"…
1 answer

Restrict users to send emails only from a particular IP address to reduce SPAM

How to restrict people to send emails from my email domain to reduce SPAM. We are using postfix in ubuntu. Is there any parameter which I can configure in to achieve this? Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks
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How to detect which PHP script is sending SPAM

A php script is sending tons of emails. I want to detect what is the source. All emails are sent by the use www-data which the user used by apache. When I check process, I have this result : www-data 16220 0.7 4.7 402508 95924 ? S 09:37 …
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1 answer

Mail is marked as spam by gmail - no idea, why

I'm using my DSL-Business-connection for a small office. I just installed a Mac Mini Server with mail-support and try to send an email to googlemmil, but this mail is getting marked as spam. This is the header of my mail. The IP is static and I set…
2 answers

Sending emails on behalf of our clients

We wan't to send emails on behalf of one our customer. Previously we were sending those emails using our email address. But last two times we got blacklisted in SORBS database (probably because of one email is not properly added to list, but we…
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No way to create an effective spam filter

We are having a big spam problem and we don't know how to resolve it. We have one spammer that send us mail daily. All these emails are from different themes, using different email addresses that are only used one time, and the domains are used only…
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Our exchange server is sending out a lot of spam

We have an exchange server 2003 and our IP address was blacklisted. When I check the Queue folder in the exchange server root directory, there are tons of Delivery Status Notification (Delay/Failure) emails to be sent out. The email has from:…
John Ng
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1 answer

Stop BPimage walker bot

How can i block all bots except a few including BPImage is creating a huge amount of load on web site and consuming lots of bandwidth
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