Questions tagged [spam]

Unsolicited e-mail, comments or posts, often sent out in large volumes; possibly but not necessarily commercial in nature

Spam can refer to:

  • Junk e-mail
  • Unwanted posts on a website
  • Unwanted comments on a post on a website
  • A large number of posts designed to crash a system rather than provide useful content

For our canonical Q&A about how to prevent email you send from being flagged as spam, see How to send emails and avoid them being classified as spam?.

1384 questions
1 answer

Ubuntu 16.04 Postfix works, but email goes to SPAM

Hello i follow this guide to install Postfix and i added SPF, dmarc and DKIM I follow this guide for dkim…
1 answer

Abuse report for spamming...abuse report

Few weeks ago, i activated on my server on automatic abuse report mail when someone try to brute force my SSH, i did it because i got an average of 3000 spamming IP each weeks. But today, my ISP send me a mail saying that someone is reporting me for…
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2 answers

"My domain" is being recognized as spammer for "no reason"

I linked my brand new domain, to yandex.connectand I sent only a few test emails, but NO email was sent or received. I checked many times the DNSs and they seem to be fine, When I send emails from any domain to the domain accounts, I get this…
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When is an email rejected by the receiving server?

Currently, I am working on a web application and wanted to create a web form to let users write emails through it. So, they would have to set their email address and the message and after clicking "Submit" my web application would send the email to…
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2 answers

Exchange 2013 server blacklisted by Spamhaus PBL

The static IP address my MTA (running Exchange 2013) is running on has been blacklisted by SPAMHAUS PBL. This IP address range has been identified by Spamhaus as not meeting our policy for IP addresses permitted to deliver unauthenticated…
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0 answers

Whitelist SMTP after hacking?

My Wordpress (hosted on GoDaddy) was hacked via SQL injection a few months ago. I hired a consultant to help me clean out WP and the site is functioning back to normal. Unfortunately, as part of the hack, they took over my SMTP server and sent out a…
Unknown Coder
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4 answers

SPF, CloudFlare, Google Apps - Email sent through Contact Form marked as spam

One of the main reasons of putting your server behind CloudFlare is to hide your server's IP address so an attacker can't DDoS your IP and render CloudFlare obsolete. By putting your server behind CloudFlare their IPs are exposed to the outside…
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1 answer

My Email Strightly goes to gmail spam/just folder ( DKIM,SPF,DMARC is okay )

( it's not duplicate , its related to rDNS , please don't flag it as duplicate or give me the link of related one ) i have a problem, my emails from my straightly goes to spam folder in gmail, other service providers are okay. i have…
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Spam from my email address on my domain with DKIM

Someone is sending spam emails from my email address. And it looks like these emails have DKIM. How is this can be possible if they doesn't have access to that email? (my emails handles by something like google and i changed passwords to that…
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2 answers

Mitigating spam on Linux server where all MTA's (Postifix, PHP Mail() function) etc. are disabled

We have a Debian Squeeze server running a fairly standard LAMP stack (back in the days it was set up using the Perfect Server guide at Howtoforge, so we're using ISPConfig as our backend admin panel) which has been locked down pretty well with…
Arni J
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1 answer

Keep receiving abuse messages from my service provider, but cannot find anything in maillog

I keep receiving from my provider abuse messages, that spam is being sent out from my server, but I cannot find anything in the /var/log/maillog files. No information is being logged there about these messages. I am suspicious that some PC of one…
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how to prevent fake mails from being sent on my mail server?

I use Zimbra as my office email server. Recently, an intern at my company showed that he could use my email id (without hacking into my account) to send emails to anyone in the company using the Zimbra mail server domain in place of localhost using…
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Emails from my domain getting blocked at all other domains

Recently I tried to set up a new email server using iRedMail on Lubuntu. The mail server workes very well when email conversation is in the same domain. But when a user tries to send email to some of the most popular domains like gmail, hotmail or…
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1 answer

Individual accounts being spammed on server, even though DNS not hosted

Disclaimer: Please pardon the newbery! I've got a dedicated linux server from HostGator that has around 100 accounts on it. Lately, dozens of these accounts get bombarded with junk mail a few times a day. Each batch of junk mail is sent by the same…
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spam email forwarding by server

Let's start with this scenario: We have a mailbox (i.e. in yahoo), every message is sent by this account, marked as spam by Gmail spam filter. (because the address or sender IP is blacklisted, not because of content) There is a server which is…
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