Questions tagged [service]

A service (also daemon or server) is a programme that constantly runs in the background. It usually services requests. If you are asking about online services, please use a different tag.

A service (also daemon or server) is a programme that constantly runs in the background. It usually services requests. If you are asking about online services, please use a different tag.

1009 questions
1 answer

Starting service inside shell script via PHP

So i'm looking for a way to start Plex Media Server service using PHP redirect. I basically want to start and stop the server by going to the certain URL. I'm using Apache and here's my code and commands i'm using: My /var/www/site/index.php:
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Service design on Docker machine

There is the word "One service per machine". Is this still true when it comes to Docker? Or is it common / best practice to deploy containers with completely independent services (say: a Nexus Package Manager, a MantisBT bug tracker, a Dokuwiki and…
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3 answers

How do I launch a service on linux

I have written server-socket Java application (not a web application) and I have a server running on Linux machine. How do I deploy this application so that I can request from anywhere from any app (assume the app has permission). Should I install…
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How can I test my specific port is open or blocked?

I want to run a service which require to connect with some source using port 20000 but it is not connecting. I want to test my this port is blocked or open.
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Auto-restart services on crash or close

Today I fond that MariaDB is closed on my server (I dont know why) but its not restarted after crash. I have already added mariadb to start on boot like: sudo /sbin/chkconfig mariadb on I want to ask that how to restart the service after it get…
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Terminal Services connection slow over VPN

I just started with a company and I've been asked to resolve a problem. I'm a jack of all trades and master of none so I'm looking for some help. We have a remote site (8 PC's and 6 printers) with cable modem business class service (10MG download…
jim s
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Just installed Ubuntu server - What services can i disable/uninstall?

i just installed Ubuntu server 13.04. What services can i disable/uninstall? All i want is to keep sshd (to connect to my vps) and whatever is absolutely needed for the system to run and get rid of the rest. So far i have only uninstalled apache. I…
Christos Baziotis
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Learning Puppet Exercise - Installing httpd package and starting service

I'm working my way through the Learning Puppet guide on manifests, and I am stuck on the exercise at the bottom of the page which asks you to install the httpd package and start the httpd service. So far my manifest looks like: package { 'httpd': …
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Running services from GNU Screen

There are quite a lot precautions one is to take when running a process as a daemon. It seems to me that running it inside GNU Screen is a viable alternative, since it guarantees to run the process after logging out of the server, output can be…
Joó Ádám
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Starting/Stopping Custom PHP Chat Server Linux Service (CentOS)

I have been trying all night to get this service working properly. I created this script from a template and am very new to bash coding. I wrote a fully functioning chat server in php which runs endlessly, but now want to make it a dedicated…
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How can I put together services bettwen differents servers?

I have to run differents services in a lab enviroment where I'll have 6 computers working as servers, what services can I put together, and what cannot be, in order to prevent security risks, and considering that if one service goes down, affects…
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MS SQL Server Service Does not start

Log Name: System Source: Service Control Manager Date: 11/1/2011 2:01:13 PM Event ID: 7000 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: Admin-PC Description: The SQL…
1 answer

How do I autostart a program with a "X" second delay after internet connection is established at login (LINUX)

I want to use systemd to configure this, do I have to create a custom target and then custom services on it to make this happen? How do I do that?
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When a service is specified as (host name, port number), does that specify a transport protocol?

In /etc/services, a service name can have multiple (transport protocol, port number) pairs. For example, http 80/tcp # Hypertext Transfer Protocol http 80/udp ssh 22/tcp # Secure…
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1 answer

Service port accessible only by one network card

I have server 08 R2 with two network cards. One is for the internal network (10.1.1.x) and another for internet (192.168.1.X connected to the modem). Network clients always accessed a service in this server by a certain port 9999 through the…
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