Questions tagged [service]

A service (also daemon or server) is a programme that constantly runs in the background. It usually services requests. If you are asking about online services, please use a different tag.

A service (also daemon or server) is a programme that constantly runs in the background. It usually services requests. If you are asking about online services, please use a different tag.

1009 questions
4 answers

Windows services not starting automatically?

We've had some nasty time sync problems on our Windows Server 2008 R2 servers lately. I traced this back to something very simple: the Windows Time Service was not started! The time can't possibly sync via NTP when the time service isn't…
Jeff Atwood
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5 answers

Fixing services that have been disabled in /etc/default/ with puppet?

I'm using puppet to (theoretically) get npcd to start upon installation, however on Ubuntu, that service comes installed with the default setting in /etc/default/npcd of RUN="no": $ cat /etc/default/npcd # Default settings for the NPCD init…
Matt Simmons
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1 answer

How to set up Google ShortName service for my domain, so that the FQDN isn't needed

The blog post "A 'tinyurl' service for your domain" explains how to set up a ShortName service for your domain using Google Apps. For example, if your domain is and you use Google Apps, you can configure it so that…
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1 answer

Scheduled restart of a service with powerhshell as non-admin service account

Before I get shot down, I know how to schedule a task, restart a service with powershell or give a non-admin account the privileges to restart a service. That isn't the problem. The problem however is the combination of all these three tasks…
4 answers

Nginx hangs using "service nginx start"

I've compiled nginx with custom paths for my production server and when I try to start/restart the service using: service nginx start or service nginx restart It enters a new line without returning the shell: So the problem is that I can't…
T0M XeOn LuCiFeR
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1 answer

Monit configuration reload - supposed to restart monitored services?

Running Monit 5.4 on an Ubuntu server. When I use monit reload, it seems that it restarts monitored services (Tomcat 7 in this situation). Is it the expected behavior? Documentation says : reload - Reinitialize a running Monit daemon, the daemon…
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2 answers

Running arbitrary program as daemon from init script

I need to install a program as a service in Red Hat. It doesn't background itself, manage its PID file, or manage its own logs. It just runs and prints to STDOUT and STDERR. Using the standard init scripts as guides, I've developed the…
2 answers

How can systemd run a command as root before launching a service as a different user?

I'm running svnserve on a Fedora 17 machine with the following systemd service file: [Unit] Description=Subversion Server [Service] User=svn Type=forking Environment=HOME=/repos/svn ExecStart=/usr/bin/svnserve…
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1 answer

How DNS service discovery, multicast DNS and Bonjour are related?

I am a bit lost in the terminology. I wanted to start to use Bonjour. As the first step, I tried to find an easy way to use it. And I thought that I, probably, can call Bonjour from the command line to register and discover services. When I asked…
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5 answers

Apache 2.4 is unkillable and can't be stopped on Windows Server

We have two Windows Server, one in 2012 R2 and the other in 2008 R2 which uses Apache HTTP Server (httpd) 2.4 in proxy/reverse-proxy mode (usage of ProxyPass, ProxyPassReverse and Virtual Hosts configuration). Both servers uses Apache 2.4.27 x64…
2 answers

varnish daemon not listening on configured port

I'm trying to install varnish on ubuntu 16.04, I read several article none are working. From what I read, since ubuntu 15.04, the way of configuring varnish has changed (because of systemd). Now on I've got a real mess wich don't work :…
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1 answer

How to ensure a service is running, using Chef?

I am in a situation where Chef might start a service (postgres) but it might subsequently be stopped out-of-band. I want a subsequent Chef run to cause the service to be running. I have tried this: service "postgresql" do action :start end But…
Partly Cloudy
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3 answers

Upstart : start service after non-upstart process

On Ubuntu 10.04, I need to start my service with upstart, but only when mysql is up and running. The problem is that mysql itself is not handled by upstart, so I can't use the "start on" feature. What can I do ?
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3 answers

Rename windows service

Is there a way to rename a windows service? Not the display name, mind you, the actual name. I can't seem to edit the value in enum\root to be what I want, and there ought to be an easier way, I just can't find it!
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1 answer

How to use variables in a systemd service file?

I'm creating a service file for a daemon, and I would like to use variables (in init scripts I used environment variables) to define some parameters for the executed scripts. For example, I would like to use 2 parameters $PARAM1…
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