Questions tagged [service]

A service (also daemon or server) is a programme that constantly runs in the background. It usually services requests. If you are asking about online services, please use a different tag.

A service (also daemon or server) is a programme that constantly runs in the background. It usually services requests. If you are asking about online services, please use a different tag.

1009 questions
1 answer

Zabbix monitoring httpd service via SNMP

I have use Nagios, but im forced now to use zabbix, can someone gave me some hints on how to monitor the httpd service, or any other service on a Linux Box ? What i want to achieve is to monitor the Httpd service, ipsec, pluto, etc. but via snmpv3.…
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Execute a service as a specific user under ubuntu

I'm running a gameserver and want to start it on a screen on system start, but screen is user specific, so I have to run the command as 'user'. So I wrote this short service script which starts itself as 'user': #!/bin/sh #/etc/init.d/gameserver …
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What is the rule to modify key of accountExpires

I want to know how to modify accountExpires via adsi. I find below: when I modify time:2014/3/2 0:00:00 of accountExpires, I can find that the key of accountExpires is "130381632000000000" via ADSI. 2014/3/2 0:00:00 how to converts…
2 answers

Is possible for a vps service with own ip addresses to have ports restricted?

I am looking for a cheap vps service, and i found some, but the most appellative i found for what i need ("fileMedia") has a really bad translation on its page and there is something which is leaving me some doubt. This service, just like many…
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How do I change a third party service password without stopping my service that depends on that service?

Here's my scenario: I have a service that has to run 24/7 and depends on a third party service that has a password. I need to have that password changed. If I blindly change the password my service no longer works because it will continue using the…
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Cron and FTP daemons crashing randomly in RHEL

Not sure where to start in troubleshooting this. I'm not finding anything indicating an issue in ProFTP logs or in /var/log/messages. So I do apologize for not having more information to give. Overview: RHEL 5 shared web server w/ Plesk 10. Uptime…
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Server Vs Service / Physical Vs Virtual

When reading definitions for a server service (e.g. iis) you will often find that there are several cross references to a virtual server but none seem to definitively refer to the two as the same..... Can somebody help me to understand the…
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monitoring services, CPU, memory remotely on a Windows server machine

I'm looking for a tool that is able to (remotely) monitor CPU and Memory in a Windows server but most importantly, which service/process is using it. Or-- is it possible to monitor a specific running service? We got a server that freezes on regular…
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Can't override service exe file after service was stopped

On Windows Server 2008 R2 I stopped my service and trying to override the exe file to update it, but it gives me access denied exception. What can I do to fix it?
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Windows Service Only Runs When Logged In

I am trying to run an EXE file as a service with no user logged into the server. I have created the service and it starts up without a problem. The problem is that the service only runs correctly when the user is logged in. This behavior is the same…
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Unlimited VOIP Phone Numbers?

Sorry, by VOIP confirmation server, I mean a VOIP PBX server that provides a verbal confirmation service to people; The script will branch based on ANI and DNIS information to an automated setup. That was horrible wording on my part. I am looking to…
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Most common network services statistics?

I'm looking for some statistics about the most common used LAN network services... does anyone know a source for this kind of information? Is there somekind of report about the current network services tendencies? Thanks
Joao Heleno
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Virtual machine vs real machine server performance

I want to self-host some services (some examples include, but are not limited to, Nextcloud, Matrix, Jitsi, Bitwarden). For security reasons, I don't want to install all of them on the same machine directly (because, if one of them causes the whole…
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Which service is responsible for GPO?

Can someone please tell me what service should I start to apply GPO on my DC. I have a GPO on my DC but it does not apply on it. (I was asked specifically about services so it must be the problem.) Thank you.
2 answers

Why most services use non-root account could create logfile in /var/log?

I want to write a service putting log in /var/log, then I edit a xxx.service under systemd. [Service] User=xxx Group=xxx But the service throw a error that open /var/log/xxx.log the permission denied. How do they implement write log in /var/log and…