Questions tagged [axis]

8 questions
1 answer

Connection Reset Error AxisFault

I'm trying to call a third party web service using axis2. It was working fine before the third party provider made some changes on their server. They disabled TLS 1.0 protocol and the server only accepts TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. I already added the code…
Alec Jones
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0 answers

Plotting 2 distinct y-axis using rrdtool

I would like to create a graph with 2 different data sources for y-axis. For example, I would like to measure averages of some population on the left Y-axis, and I have another data source which contains how many errors there are in the…
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Rabbitmq {tls_alert,"record overflow"}

I have a RabbitMQ 3.3.5, Erlang R16B03-1 running on rhel7 with firewall and selinux disabled. The ssl part of config is as follows: {ssl_listeners, [15672]}, {ssl_options, [ {certfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/server.cer"}, …
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0 answers

How to enable Axis (Web Services) logging in unix server?

Im trying to enable the axis in the unix server. But didnt know how to do it. Found this link "" but didnt find the file( file. Any help is greatly…
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Deploying web services on a RHEL 5 box using Apache/Tomcat/Axis/Java

I am new to the Web services scene. I currently have access to a RHEL5 box and i need to deploy a java web service on it. It runs apache and i know this because i have a website hosted on this machine. Now, i want to deploy a web service on to this…
Deepak Konidena
2 answers

Problem with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" in Apache 2.2

One of client of our web service uses axis2 application that sends HTTP 1.1 query with: Transfer-Encoding: chunked header. Such a query is refused by our Apache 2.2 with message: 411 Length Required


Michał Niklas
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1 answer

Combining DWORD Values

I'm trying to permit automatic silent install of some internal ActiveX controls using AXIS, as per this Microsoft article. In the article, it states that you can define how HTTPS exceptions are handled, for example, 0 means that all checks must be…
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1 answer

AxisFault Read Timed Out

I have a web service which does quantitative model checking and an Axis2 client which calls the web service. The web service can take a lot of time (more than a minute). The client works fine when the model is small and service takes less than 30…
Rohit Agarwal
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