Questions tagged [rvm]

RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems.

Developed by Wayne E. Seguin, RVM is based on the idea that you can easily install, manage, and work with multiple Ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems.

Some of the features are:

  • Install multiple ruby interperters / versions
  • Manage sets of gems
  • Perform operations over installed interpreters / gemsets
    • run commands against multiple ruby environments
  • simple switching between Ruby environments
  • isolation of Ruby environments on the same system, even the same log-in.
  • written in Bash
    • available on all #nix systems

Many other useful features.

You can find the RVM team (mpapis, wayneeseguin) on IRC, usually in #rvm on and you can find the source code at

This projects page and repository:

78 questions
2 answers

How do you configure rvmsudo using chef?

I am using the chef-rvm cookbook by fnichol to perform a system wide installation of Ruby via RVM with the rvm::system recipe. I.e. In my run list, I have (with no additional attributes set): recipe[rvm::system] After I cook my ubuntu server,…
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2 answers

Apache & Nginx on Ubuntu 10.10

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 with three apache virtual hosts. I just followed this tutorial to set up Rails 3 on Ubuntu using PAssenger and nginx. Everything is running fine except rails/nginx. When I try to start it, I get this message: * Starting…
Kevin Brown
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1 answer

multi-user rvm gem install failure when called from CloudFormation::Init

I've taken an Amazon Linux AMI (based on CentOS) and installed RVM (1.10.3) to it in multi-user fashion (see {1} below). I used that to install ruby 1.9.3-p125, rubygems 1.8.17, and bundler 1.1 as the baseline requirements for most things I'm…
Peter Mounce
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2 answers

Best Practice: RVM w/ Multiple Nginx-Passsenger Standalone Servers Running One App per Server

I'm wondering what would be the best approach to hosting multiple Rails applications where each application has a different gemset and may possibly use a different version of Ruby. I'm thinking of running RVM to manage the different gemsets for each…
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2 answers

Syntax error when starting Rails server, RVM could be the issue?

I am getting the following error when trying to start my Rails application in production for the first time: /var/www/railsapp/config/initializers/session_store.rb:3: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting $end ...sion_store :cookie_store, key:…
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2 answers

ruby or rvm ruby in Production web server

Currently our production server runs in system ruby. Passenger handles our rails apps. Should I move to handling my entire ruby stuff using rvm? What advantage can rvm give me in a production environment? Please advise. I'm a beginner in handling…
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1 answer

Linode Debian + rvm + nginx + Unicorn kills master at boot or doesn't start unicorn

I'm a new Linode/Linux user running Debian 6. I'm trying to get my Unicorn server to start at boot, but for some reason it is not, and I'm not able to track down any error message. Nginx is starting fine, and I have a multi-user RVM install. My gut…
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1 answer

rvm fails to install any ruby

RVM gives me an error during installation of any version of ruby. Let's take for example ree-1.8.7-head rasfast@rasfast-home:~$ rvm install ree-1.8.7-head Installing Ruby from source to: /home/rasfast/.rvm/rubies/ree-1.8.7-head, this may take a…
1 answer

Trouble installing Heroku taps gem using RVM

I tried to install the taps gem on my rvm, but got the following result: larson:~ larson$ rvm gem install taps Successfully installed taps-0.3.23 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for taps-0.3.23... Installing RDoc documentation for…
1 answer

Installing Passenger on ubuntu for ruby 1.9 and rails 3, problem with rvm

I am installing passenger on a Ubuntu server 10.04.2. following this tutorial. When I arrive to the step to install nginx rvmsudo passenger-install-nginx-module I have the following error: Your RVM wrapper scripts are too old. Please update them…
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1 answer

nginx not passing any requests to rails 2.3 via passenger

I'm upgrading to a new linode with Debian. I installed rvm, ruby enterprise edition, passenger, nginx (via passenger), rails 2.3 lts. My app works with script/server. I got nginx to serve static files. But nginx acts like passenger doesn't exist…
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1 answer

Error creating a Ruby launchd task with RVM in OS X

I want to periodically run a ruby gem based command. I am using RVM and following the tutorial set out here. My ruby task is called daily_checks.rb and is as follows: #!/usr/bin/env ruby puts 'in…
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2 answers

Running startup shell script for ruby application as other user (not root)

I have installed RVM using 'user01' on Ubuntu 14.04 and user01 can start my rails application as expected. I, however, want to start this application following system start-up. I am trying to use the following to achieve…
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1 answer

What's the current, "correct" way to bundle gems for a Rails app with system-wide RVM-installed Ruby?

I got ruby installed system-wide by doing: \curl -sSL | sudo bash -s stable and then: sudo /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm install 2.0.0 I'm still not positive that was actually correct, but it seems to have worked. It created an rvm…
David Krider
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1 answer

rvm ruby install failing setting paths

I've never used Ruby before so this and the surrounding terminology is new to me; I'm only doing the install so I have a base to run a specific application. I need Ruby 1.9.3, as I understand it I should be using RVM as it'll make things less…
Darren Beale
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