Questions tagged [return-path]

17 questions
4 answers

How come there are two `Return-Path:` fields?

RFC822 on Return-Path:: This field is added by the final transport system that delivers the message to its recipient. The field is intended to contain definitive information about the address and route back to the message's…
Alois Mahdal
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3 answers

Do out-of-office replies get sent to the return-path header?

I always thought that the return-path header was used for bounced messages, so I have my email newsletter software setup to unsubscribe anyone whose email address replies back to the return-path email address. But recently some users started telling…
Brian Armstrong
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sendmail is using return-path instead of from address

I have a customer that is complaining about emails marked as spam. I'm looking at the header. It shows the correct From: However, it doesn't like the return-path. Return-Path: Received-SPF:…
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1 answer

How can I configure Sendmail to use the From address as the envelope sender?

My Sendmail is using as the envelope sender on messages my server generates using /usr/bin/sendmail. I want it to get the address from the From: header in the message and use that instead. I'm not currently…
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Are "via" and "on behalf of" headers determined by both DKIM and SPF?

To get rid of the "via" and "on behalf of" headers in Gmail and Outlook, do I need to set both the DKIM and the SPF records, or are DKIM records enough? We recently changed our SMTP provider from AuthSMTP to Mandrill. By default Mandrill does bounce…
Jan Fabry
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What is the correct way to get an NDR to be sent when a bounce back occurs?

I have a user who developed a WebApp that sends SMTP messages. Users are able to reply to the message using a MUA (outlook, whatever) but there is no NDR if the user doesn't exist. I suspect that the envelope is empty or missing and only the body…
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Postfix after-queue content filter

I am running a postfix/dovecot/spamassassin/clamav system on Debian 10 with Postfix 3.5.13 for my domains. One domain has a small private mailing list. If someone writes to the list postfix prepends the header Return-Path: containing the original…
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How to get rid of spam mails with return-path and from non-existent@mydomain.tld

Over a few days I'm getting several spam mails to my junkmail folder. The return-path and from addresses are always non-existent mailaddresses of my own tld (for example non-existent@mydomain.tld). I'm using Postfix, Dovecot with virtual mysql…
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Postfix centralized relay - How to hide the originating server?

I have a central mail relay server and other 4 servers that send mail through the first one. When I send a mail from one of the "slave" servers, the outgoing mail arrives to the destination with some references to the original server that originated…
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Set ReturnPath globally in Postfix

I have Magento using Sendmail and Wordpress using PHPmailer to send webapp-generated mail. Occasionally, someone will enter their email address incorrectly and the mail (let's say, a purchase receipt) will bounce back to the return-path specified by…
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1 answer

How to set Return-Path header of postfix bounced messages

i have an debian6 with postfix and dovecot. A customer has an Exchange wich connects with an POP3 Connector onto some mailboxes. The postfix relays messages for the exchange server. Bounced messages come back into dovecot mailbox with an Return-Path…
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3 answers

bash script in unix - return full path and filename

I want to design bash script in unix and this bash return full path because I want to use this file in other places.
Mohammad AL-Rawabdeh
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how I can return more than one value from windows to unix-AIX?

i'm have to server:- 1-windows-server 2003 2-UNIX-AIX I execute something in windows server and now I want to return some value from windows to unix .... how I can do it I install copssh in windows server and openssh in unix server
1 answer

Linux Exim set return-path header automaticly using from header

I use Exim on a Centos distribution and have some problems with the mail sending. In order to make all the email pass the spam filters the "Return-path" and "Sender" headers have to be attached to each email. What should I do in order to have…
Gabriel Solomon
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2 answers

O365 spoofed email from inside domain

I manage our IT at my organization using O365. One of our users recently received an email from the address support@< domain >. I have not created this email address in our domain. Got on with Microsoft support and they did a message trace on it…