Questions tagged [response-time]

57 questions
0 answers

Slow response time when server is idle, fast response time when server is loaded?

I'm running a 40 thread / 125GB RAM server. The server is based on CentOS 7. I have noticed that the server response time is higher when the server is idle: You can see on the screenshot here that the server response between 4pm and 10PM was lower…
Kalvin Klien
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Apache2 too many requests "waiting for connection"

I've got Apache 2.4 installed with the event mpm module which seems to have too many idle processes Most of them are waiting for connection and a fraction of those requests are being processed at a time here is what server status reports this seems…
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PHP+Nginx response time too much

I'm running a php-fpm server behind an nginx reverse proxy which is simply serving phpinfo to benchmark the response time. The response time (using postman) for the phpinfo page is around 150ms which seems to be way too high. I've used both AWS c5…
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EBS target response time increasing before CPU utilization

I'm in a company where we have an elastic beanstalk configuration and it works fine with our CICD. The only issue is that earlier today i ran a stress test (basically just disabled AWS shield and went hammer on the DDOS). Regardless of what we did…
2 answers

haproxy, is it impossible to monitor the http total request time?

using haproxy HTTP logs with http-server-close of keep-alives the time counters in the logs (TR, Tt...) are based on the beginning of the TCP connection. Which means only the first request, with cookie status *NI (--NI) has timers corresponding to…
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How can be ping used to measure a server speed?

When I ping, I get this responses: 64 bytes from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: icmp_seq=1 ttl=242 time=52.6 ms 64 bytes from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: icmp_seq=2 ttl=242 time=55.9 ms 64 bytes from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: icmp_seq=3 ttl=242 time=52.1 ms 64 bytes…
Enrique Moreno Tent
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1 answer

Loading Javascript files after the page is rendered and response time

So normally javascript files are loaded using the tag. But how can you bind the loading of scripts files(For some secondary features like searching) to the document ready event? And is it generally a good way to minimize your page's response…
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Response time more than doubled after switching from A to CNAME on Heroku

I recently switched my Heroku app DNS setting from using A record at the apex to using CNAME record at www subdomain, because of the scenario outlined in this blog post: Supposedly, this…
2 answers

Network time metrics

I am trying to get a sense of the different networking metrics and specifically those that are about time. I find myself lost in definitions though. From the research I have done so far I found some contradictions in the definitions depending on the…
1 answer

Is my response time normal?

I have a cheaply rented server space running Ubuntu 12.04. I've measured response time using a Python script that just connects over a socket and sends small data back and forth, and it seems quite erratic, jumping around from 85ms to 2sec,…
1 answer

DNS query sends NS response for NAPTR query instead of going for SRV and A query

I am trying to send dns query with NAPTR+SRV+A query but after NAPTR query it dns send NAPTR response with NS response and with additional records that is SRV and A but I want to send SRV and A query exclusively.
2 answers

How can I optimize my ajax calls to deliver at 60ms.

I am building an autocomplete functionality for my site and the Google instant results are my benchmark. When I look at Google, the 50-60 ms response time baffle me. They look insane. In comparison here’s how mine looks like. To give you…
Quintin Par
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