Questions tagged [replication]

Replication is the process of sharing information so as to ensure consistency between redundant resources, such as software or hardware components, to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility.

Replication is the process of sharing information so as to ensure consistency between redundant resources, such as software or hardware components, to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility. It could be data replication if the same data is stored on multiple storage devices, or computation replication if the same computing task is executed many times. A computational task is typically replicated in space, i.e. executed on separate devices, or it could be replicated in time, if it is executed repeatedly on a single device.

The access to a replicated entity is typically uniform with access to a single, non-replicated entity. The replication itself should be transparent to an external user. Also, in a failure scenario, a failover of replicas is hidden as much as possible.

It is common to talk about active and passive replication in systems that replicate data or services. Active replication is performed by processing the same request at every replica. In passive replication, each single request is processed on a single replica and then its state is transferred to the other replicas. If at any time one master replica is designated to process all the requests, then we are talking about the primary-backup scheme (master-slave scheme) predominant in high-availability clusters. On the other side, if any replica processes a request and then distributes a new state, then this is a multi-primary scheme (called multi-master in the database field). In the multi-primary scheme, some form of distributed concurrency control must be used, such as distributed lock manager.

1020 questions
1 answer

Initialize transactional replication subscriber without initial snapshot

Is it possible to initialize a subscriber without an initial snapshot? Replication is used in this case as an ETL tool to push data from processing servers to back end reporting data warehouse. Only inserts and updates are replicated, no deletes.…
accidental admin
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Hyper-V Replication without Domain

I have a hyper-V host in a different DC that I want TWO source servers to replicate to. I have followed guides such as for…
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How to use real time file replication on linux

So, we are in 2020 and many of the answers from similair questions might be outdated. What is the best way for real time file syncronization between linux servers. It's serveral million small json files (1kb) It should be possible for two (or more)…
Mr Zach
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3 answers

Replicate portion of an LDAP directory to external server

We're in the process of setting up a Jabber server on Amazon EC2 right now, and we'd like to have our internal users authenticate via LDAP so we don't have to create/manage a separate set of user accounts than the master directory in the office. My…
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BIND9 replication puts wrong content into some slave zone files

Trying to implement primary/secondary (master/slave) replication on Bind 9.11.4, Amazon Linux 2. Also fails with Bind 9.8. Have 4 views. For zones that cross multiple views and use different zone files in different views, replication puts the…
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3 answers

MSSQL Database Replication to MySQL

I have MSSQL 2005 server and I have MySQL database in intranet. I want to replicate some tables from MSSQL database to MySQL database. I have created ODBC licnked server and have successfully created transactional publication and I have manually…
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How to move ADUser to child domain while preserving original Object for password replication purposes

So, we have one forest with one domain currently, which is working pretty good. Now we got a new remote office for 5 users. They should get their own Domain Controller and Domain. Our original Domain is named and the plan is to create a…
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"ldap_modify: Server is unwilling to perform (53) additional info: shadow context; no update referral" ERROR in my ldap server

Iam trying to do multi master replication on my LDAP server on RHEL 7 but I am getting below error while running command: #ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ldap01.ldif "ldap_modify: Server is unwilling to perform (53) additional info: shadow…
1 answer

Replication between SQL 2008 & SQL 2000 - Across network (DMZ) - process could not connect to Subscriber

I have 2 servers... OTTO is located on site, and connected to domain It is running SQL 2008. I have created the database, in SQL 2000 compatability mode. WEBDB3 is located in datacenter, not connected to our domain. It is running SQL 2000 DMZ set…
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Sybase - SAP ASE - replication server: routing declaration

I'm trying to declare a routing in SAP Replication Server. I have: A server (let's call it S1) with ASE and RS server (let's call it RS1). A server (let's call it S2) with ASE and RS server (let's call it RS2). A server (let's call it S3) with ASE…
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SQL Server 2014 not replicating NEW non-clustered indexes

I have an instance of SQL Server 2014 running replication. I have selected the option to copy nonclustered indexes on all tables: When this was first enabled, all existing nonclustered indexes were replicated, but since then no new nonclustered…
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SQL Server 2005 Standard Mirror / replicate w/2008 Standard?

We're in the process of planning our upgrade from SQL Server 2005 to 2008. Our 3rd party app is certified against 2008 so we do not expect any major problems, but we thought it would be best to upgrade all of our "subordinate" SQL Server instances…
Matt Rogish
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1 answer

Problems sending Public Folder replication messages between two Exchange Servers

I'm having a problem replicating public folders between two Exchange 2003 servers. Server A (our original server) is hosted on Windows Small Business Server 2003. Server B (our new server) is hosted on Windows Server 2003. Both systems are fully…
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Replication of Postgresql vice cersa

I have two Linux servers having Postgresql-10 on each of them. On both of them, there is a database, say dbexample, having same schema, table, everything. Both of them are capturing data from an application and storing them on their database…
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Hyper-V replication between datacentres over WAN

I'm trying to enable Windows Hyper-V replication over WAN. I have (finally!) been able to achieve this in a test environment over LAN using the certificate-based authentication method (rather than Kerberos) and have been able to successfully get two…
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