Questions tagged [replication]

Replication is the process of sharing information so as to ensure consistency between redundant resources, such as software or hardware components, to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility.

Replication is the process of sharing information so as to ensure consistency between redundant resources, such as software or hardware components, to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility. It could be data replication if the same data is stored on multiple storage devices, or computation replication if the same computing task is executed many times. A computational task is typically replicated in space, i.e. executed on separate devices, or it could be replicated in time, if it is executed repeatedly on a single device.

The access to a replicated entity is typically uniform with access to a single, non-replicated entity. The replication itself should be transparent to an external user. Also, in a failure scenario, a failover of replicas is hidden as much as possible.

It is common to talk about active and passive replication in systems that replicate data or services. Active replication is performed by processing the same request at every replica. In passive replication, each single request is processed on a single replica and then its state is transferred to the other replicas. If at any time one master replica is designated to process all the requests, then we are talking about the primary-backup scheme (master-slave scheme) predominant in high-availability clusters. On the other side, if any replica processes a request and then distributes a new state, then this is a multi-primary scheme (called multi-master in the database field). In the multi-primary scheme, some form of distributed concurrency control must be used, such as distributed lock manager.

1020 questions
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Hyper-v manager different domains

I have two offices each have there own domain. Domain-A Domain-B Each site has its own windows 2012 R2 HyperV GUI server. The sites are connected using SonicWall persistent VPN's Id like to use each site as a DR solution. I would like to use the…
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Weird TPS peaks on SQL 2005 replicated database

When monitoring the Transactions/Sec using perfmon on one of my SQL2005 replicated databases - I'm seeing the TPS increase to 1000 and then immediately drop back down again - this happens every 5 seconds. I'm not sure what's causing this - is this…
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MS SQL Server 2 identical databases on different servers replication or mirroring to each other possible?

Hi: I have one free version of SQL Server 2012 express database running on Amazon AWS with 1 CPU and only 1 GB Ram . As you can see the CPU and RAM power are barely enough for my PHP scripts running on a separate AWS desktop machine to pump data…
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Sync two Non-Enterprise SQL Servers

We have a SQL Server 2005 in one of our company's locations. Since DB calls from other locations are very slow, we would like to set up another SQL Server on the other location and keep the server databases in synch. So a user can make DB calls…
juergen d
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both test lab Domain controllers need initial synchronisation

Im trying to setup a test lab for our 2008R2 AD environment but am having trouble getting the domain controllers to start. If I just start the PDC with all FSMO roles (DC01) it gives an error saying it needs to do an initial synchronisation with…
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Are there any two-bay hardware bit/block level replication devices (perhaps RAID-1)?

Here's what I'm hoping to do: Have two drives in a hardware bay that can be pulled from the front without dissassembly Read and write to it as a single (NTFS) disk Be able to pull either drive and plug it into any windows machine as a NTFS disk…
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MySQL table only replication (Master->Slave)

I've set up two servers (one master and one slave db). I want to synchronize one single table of a whole database live (or with a delay of up to 5 minutes) in only one direction. I wanted to try the DB replication in total first, but after setup…
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MYSQL replication - Security suggestions on replicate over the internet

I'm going to launch a new web service, but i have few funds to start this business. I was taking a look at OVH Dedicated Infrastructure servers, but such a service costs at least 250 $/month, too much for me at the moment. Why i was looking at a…
Jhon Zunda
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Replication not working on DC

I am getting the following error (4612) on my secondary and tertiary DCs: The DFS Replication service initialized SYSVOL at local path C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain and is waiting to perform initial replication. The replicated folder will remain in the…
1 answer

How do I set up a geographic mirror site for LAMP?

I have a server that's running on the standard LAMP stack. I have web services that read a MySQL database to control access to certain content. If the content is allowed to be accessed then it is delivered to the user. Recently I have been asked…
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Main server 2008R2 crashed. Need to copy AD from another server in same IP range

Unfortunately the main server crashed and I have re-installed Server 2008 R2 Standard in it. The server had only ADDS, DNS Services and File Services. I have the AD on a desktop computer where Server 2008 R2 Standard is installed. All the user…
1 answer

Active Directory Replication Errors

We just installed a second Domain Controller on our domain. The installation of DC 2 went along with no hiccups. However I am running into an issue with replication. I cannot seem to get DC1 and DC2 to replicate from each other. The strange thing is…
Utkarsh Mahajan
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1 answer

Can bad DNS replication cause a user to loose connectivity to a shared drive

We have multiple users that loose connections to shared drives on a particular server. I am able to ping the server hosting the files but can not see the host, or directories. Also its not 1 user, its almost all users accessing the particular drive…
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Hw much gets stored for each GB after replication and backups

Does Google Drive, Dropbox, or other file storage services generally use Backups or do they rely solely on replication? How many copies do they replicate?
1 answer

Stopping both hyper-v replicas from booting

Consider the following hyper-v configuration: host1, running guest1 host2, running guest2 guest1 replicated using hyper-v replication to host2 guest2 replicated using hyper-v replication to host1 Consider the following outage to host2 host2 goes…
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