Questions tagged [remoteapp]

RemoteApp enables you to make programs that are accessed remotely through Remote Desktop Services appear as if they are running on the end user's local computer.

185 questions
1 answer

Testing Windows RemoteApps without Remote Desktop Services

I want to run an app under ReportApps but at the moment I don't have access to a server with Remote Desktop Services working. Is it possible to make the RDP setup to test RemoteApps on either a separate Windows 10 machine or a version of Windows…
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Multi-user RDS RemoteApp on same machine

I am running Server 2012R2 and have setup RDS Published RemoteApp's for the first time. So far everything is working fine when I launch an app with a particular user (using the .rdp shortcuts and type in the username). There is a particular use case…
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How do I configure RemoteApp to find the correct Gateway Server?

I am trying to make RemoteApps work but when I go to the https:\desktop.(mydomain)/rdweb link from outside, all the apps that are published in the QuicksessionCollectio error out saying the server cannot be found. If you look at the image loaded…
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RemoteApp : Save files on client's local profile

I have a RemoteApp collection with all office programs (Word, Excel, ...) on my Windows Server 2016 with RDS installed. When I launtch a program (like Word) on my client Windows 10 and then I want to save, it saves by default on my Administrator's…
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Can a remote app invoke local Outlook?

I have a cloud server on Azure and I connect via Remote Desktop (with gateway). When connecting, I have only one Remote App. This application allows also to send emails. In a local environment, when sending an email, it opens a new email from…
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RemoteApp sporadic failure

We have a new Windows 2016 server with RDS installed. I am encountering a sporadic failure to launch our RemoteApp. Regular Remote Desktop sessions are connecting just fine, hoewever. When RemoteApp fails... The client receives this message:…
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A temporary profile created by service if User Profile Disk of RDS collection is enabled

I configured Remote Desktop Service on Server 2012 R2, and enabled User Profile Disk on the RDS collection. Then I configured a Windows service and assign a user account (say MyUser) as the logon user account for the service. Then reboot the PC.…
1 answer

How Can I Pass a Variable Parameter to A Windows RemoteApp?

I have published a remote app, MyApp.exe, from Server X. MyApp.exe can be launched with a variable optional parameter. That parameter can have a larger number of different values. I have downloaded the RDP file from the gateway website that Server X…
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Connect with RDP RemoteApp to a published app in Citrix XenApp?

Following link shows a nice graphic about the architectural differences between Microsoft and Citrix. Based to this graphic, is it possible to use RDP RemoteApp to connect to a published app in Citrix XenApp? Or use RDP to connect to a XenDesktop…
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RDP Remote App on Android and iOS clients

I need to connect to a Win2008R2 RDP Remote App server using various client platforms, especially Win7, Android and iOS. On all cases, I'm using the official Microsoft's apps/programs to connect to the server. The server will publish some basic…
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MS RemoteApp broken after changing IIS bindings

OS is Server 2008 R2. In an effort to make the internal and external hostnames match (the SSL cert only matches the public hostname), I edited the bindings for our 'RDWeb' site. This somehow broke WelbyApp and I can't seem to undo it. The error I…
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RemoteApp RDS Server 2016 - Menus Opening to left

I have setup a new RDS server in Azure running server 2016. I have deployed some programs through remoteapp but am not having a problem with the menus on all remoteapp programs. The menus slide out to the left instead of to the right. This happens…
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Starting an AutoIt Script on RemoteApp Session Logon

I have a AutoIt script that I need to start when a RemoteApp session is created. The script waits for a window to appear and then extracts the text of a certain label and writes it to a file. I already have this script and it works fine when I run…
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Azure RemoteApp DNS resolution

I'm in the process of building a training environment in Azure. I'm having some problems with DNS. A basic overview of the environment is as follows Infrastructure: 1 x Classic Virtual Machine hosting Active Directory Domain Services and the Server…
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Why is it bad to deploy Remote Desktop Services on a domain controller?

I have an application on a VPS and I want to run it with RemoteApp instead of having to remote desktop into the server. Our VPS provider can sell us a pack of five RDS licenses to use which will be plenty. I plan on following this guide that says it…