Questions tagged [remote]

"Remote" - the term could refer to resources, access, control, user, presence, etc.

"Remote" could refer to either the network resource availability (e.g. "the user can interrogate the information remotely"), the user access to a network resource (as in "server access authorization through a Remote Desktop Connection/Protocol"), or even the location of the user related to the network accessed ("A Teleworker is allowed to connect remotely on 2 days per week through VPN/Remote Access, if there is a home office space available and all the conditions are met to allow the worker to perform the expected duties remotely").

613 questions
1 answer

Rsync exclude does not work during remote upload

I prepared an rsync code as below: /home/ra/maindir/subdir/ --exclude="/dir/config" --exclude="/dir/include/x.php" --exclude="/maindir/include/x1.php" What I am trying to do is to exclude 'config' folder and 'x.php','x1.php' files during remote…
Onur Göker
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psexec cannot run .vbs local or unc

I am trying to run a .vbscript remotely via psexec. Even with switches like -u -p -s -c, I am getting errors. Here is what I've tried: 1.) psexec -u user@domain -p password -s \\computer "\\uncpath\file.vbs" "access denied" I have seen that to…
Benjamin Jones
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Use remote storage for a subset of WSUS clients

I have a WSUS server configured to manage and serve updates from local storage for all clients. Is it possible to configure WSUS to still manage all updates, but force some clients to download the updates directly from Microsoft (using remote…
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Cannot log in to RDP

I have 2 IPs on my Windows Server 2012. 1st is local the 2nd is real public. Whenever I try to login using RDP from a windows 8 from inside the network of the local IP, I can easily log in. However, whenever I try using the public IP, I get the…
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LDAP - Forward OU to remote LDAP OU

i've been looking for a solution to forward a OU request to a remote LDAP OU. dc=domain ou=accounts ou=local-accounts cn=local-user ou=remote-accounts ALL OBJECTS FROM PRE DEFINED REMOTE LDAP The main problem is that i have to forward…
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Win10 - Open RDP using Win-key + name of server

I need to RDP to many servers. On Win7 i put all RDP links into the C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder, making it possible to press the "Windows key + name of server" - then it returned the RDP. On Windows…
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Running a virtual machine remotely; connect it to the local network

The scenario is as follows: I have a virtual machine remotely, e.g. on a server somewhere in a data center, and I connect to it from my laptop on a restricted network (only tcp 80 and 443 are open). My laptop is not publicly reachable because of NAT…
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How to rsync to remote machine with user1 for ssh and user2 as remote rsyncer?

UPDATE: it seems I have to use rsync modules. So I created a very simple rsyncd.conf in the home of user2 on the remote server with: [test] path = /dest It does not work, but the problem seems another one. When I run rsync -e "ssh -v -l user1"…
Marco Sulla
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1 answer

VMWare Server Console: Open Remote Host and firewall rules

Consider the need to remotely manage an instance of VMWare Server 1.0.x. on a Windows network. Client: Windows 7 with same VMWare Server version. In this case, it's 1.0.8. Server: Windows 2008. We've attempted to connect using the server's…
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Linux: Mount a remote disk stored on a custom storage

We have a non-standard storage (FS) on which we have flat disk images stored. We need to extract data from this raw image on a different host. The word "extraction" here means that I want to copy selective files & folders. The storage server does…
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What permission is needed to use a service account to remote run powershell on a server?

I have a internal webapplication With a list of all the servers in our network. I want to be able to run a few PowerShell commands on the servers to gather usefull information. Invoke-WMIMethod and Invoke-Command. I only need permissions to read…
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IP6Tables: How to enable external access to MySQL?

How to enable external access to MySQL with rules on ip6tables? I have tried to the rules below, where after inserted I get access, but when server restart the access remains blocked. :INPUT DROP [2:144] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] -A…
Diogo Braga
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run remote command to save debian package list

I'd like to backup the package list(dpkg) of some remote computers to a backup server: all of them running Debian. I already configured the rsa key to login remotely as root on the other computers without authentication. How can I run a command like…
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Access db with dynamic IP using windows Application C#

I want to connect a Desktop Application (C#) with a website which is hosted on BLUEHOST Server (Shared Hosting). I have to add an IP on server to allow for remotely access to mysql database. But the issue is computer IP is being changed certainly…
1 answer

Remote Desktop Connection Audit

My company recently fired someone. They said, they are auditing that person's electronic activity. We all have Remote Desktop connections that we use to work from home. Do you know what level of information they can access on rdp activity? For…