Questions tagged [redis]

Redis is an open source, highly-scalable key-value store, commonly referred to as a "NoSQL database."

431 questions
0 answers

Poor performance of Redis on GCP

We recently moved our application from Azure to Google Cloud Platform, in order to better utilize the Firebase platform. We now have a bunch of firebase-functions that communicate with a Redis-instance through a VPC-connector set to max 1000 Mbps.…
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0 answers

connection is paused for long

a redis server is running in a different network namespace. I'm trying to connect a client to the redis server, it keeps waiting but is not getting response, its been hours. Client side code: int main(){ // ***** Pipeline ***** auto…
0 answers

Why does redis cluster suggests at least three masters

I tried to understand why redis cluster suggests at least three masters. I read, Redis cluster: 3 master nodes minimum? but they just said I should use three masters…
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1 answer

systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store

A little rodeo with redis. The error issued by redis is pretty unspecific ... When doing journalctl -xe I got: -- The process' exit code is 'exited' and its exit status is 1. Nov 05 20:53:34 servername systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with…
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1 answer

Unbearably slow redis connection when using openvpn

I have an OpenVPN config file like the following: client proto udp explicit-exit-notify remote SOME_REMOTE_SERVER 1194 dev tun resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun remote-cert-tls server verify-x509-name server_mccDtH70s3fYYV1g…
2 answers

Is it better to have a centralized [redis] caching instance or per instance?

I have a VPC in AWS that contains a public and private subnet. In the private subnet, I have two load balanced EC2 app servers, and an EC2 Database/Cache server. The two app servers connect to the Database/Cache server for database queries, but…
Barry Chapman
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Redis-cli --cluster create command is not working?

I have redis-server package through standard apt command, but when I'm trying to run redis-cli --cluster create its not working. I'm getting "Unrecognized option or bad number of args for: '--cluster'". Please help me to fix it.
0 answers

Rspamd with Redis and security on a shared server

I'm considering switching from SpamAssassin to Rspamd as everybody raves about it. The feature set like improved bayes filtering and easy greylisting sounds interesting. There's a catch though: Rspamd requires Redis for all of this to work. And this…
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Redis issue showing me `moved` while configuring redis in laravel app

I have two servers containing the same laravel application and both are connected with a load balancer. Everything works well with the same RDS. To make the site faster I have created a Redis cluster on Elasticache and added the endpoint on the…
MD Nasirul Islam
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1 answer

Is there any advantage to using Object Caching (Redis) for DB table caching with a full static caching CDN

I am trying to optimize a small web application(PHP/MySQL), I have been using Redis as a cache for my DB, and I've gotten to the point of preparing to launch for testing. I've been working through an IP and now setup my domain with full proxy CDN,…
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0 answers

Best practice in Redis is to rename the command 'FLUSHDB'. But now I get an error with Laravel when I want to clear the cache

In Laravel, you can set the cache to Redis. However, when I clear the cache with php artisan cache:clear, I get the error: ERR unknown command 'FLUSHDB' I know what the problem is because I have disabled the command as one should do for best…
Philipp Mochine
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1 answer

How to estimate the max number of connection an AWS ElasticCache Redis cluster can support?

Is there any formula or "rule of thumb" I can apply to make an estimate of maximum number of connections a redis cluster hosted on AWS ElasticCache can support? My cluster currently has 3 shards and 1 replica per shard. The node type is…
Anthony Kong
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1 answer

does running redis-cli with --rdb block the redis instance?

i have a couple of redis instances which are running RDB mode. currently if i want to backup my instances i run BGSAVE command and copy the rdb file. i want to get the rdb file on a remote machine so i searched for a solution and saw that redis-cli…
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1 answer

Docker fails external connectivity for Redis

I have tried all the possible solutions available on either StackOverflow or other forums, that I could find. I begin installing redis with docker by actual instructions available on Hub Docker. But I was not able to connect to Redis outside…
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0 answers

One process in my server using 100% cpu

Please check below PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 2561 redis 20 0 2761160 2.3g 1028 S 200.0 30.0 58:33.49 sysupdate 2576 redis 30 10 577576 61120 540 S 194.7 0.8 54:20.02…