Questions tagged [rackspace]

Rackspace is a traditional and cloud hosting company headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. They run datacentres in three US states, the UK, and Hong Kong.

180 questions
1 answer

Does SQL database perform significantly better on a dedicated machine vs Azure cloud

I'm looking into splitting our database server and application server and am evaluating offerings from Rackspace and Azure specifically around the database server. We are a Saas Web application and performance and capacity for future growth is what…
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Why am I getting 'undefined method' exceptions when executing 'run_list add', 'run_list remove' and 'rackspace server delete'?

[Originally posted this to opscode forum, got no response] I’m testing out a free hosted chef-server account and multiple subcommands are failing with ‘Unexpected Errors’. Perhaps my version and the server version are incompatible? OS: Ubuntu…
Peter Groves
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How does the Cloud compare to Colocation? And development too

Currently I/we run a SaaS web application where each subscriber has their own physical instance of the application in addition to their own database. The setup has each web application instance deployed on two different IIS boxes both for…
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5 answers

What is the quickest way to get a new Rackspace server instance connected to a puppet master?

Right now I log into the new server put the puppet master in /etc/hosts install puppet change "START" to "yes" in /etc/default/puppet change "server" to puppet master name under [main] run agent with --waitforcert sign it over on the puppet…
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2 answers

Puppet write hosts using api call

I'm trying to write a puppet function that calls my hosting environment (rackspace cloud atm) to list servers, then update my hosts file. My get_hosts function is currently this: require 'rubygems' require 'cloudservers' module…
Ben Smith
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To what extent do I need to know what i am doing with Ubuntu Linux server admin?

So as a bit of background, I am completely new to server admin. I am a web designer, and generally know quite a bit about computers. Until a few months ago, I had never used LINUX. Now my desktop runs Mint, and I have moved to an Ubuntu Linux cloud…
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Dedicated server hosting with your own server

Is that possible? I notice that monthly prices go up when the more powerful your server. I'd like to avoid the raise in pricing by using my own home-built rackable-server. I would like to send my sever to a hosting company that will manage it for…
Paul Knopf
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2 answers

Rear mount or front mount switches

Where I work all the switches in a rack are mounted in the rear of the rack, but this presents a problem with hot isle cold isle cooling. The alternative is to mount the switches in the front of the rack with patch panels. But this wastes rack…
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What's the difference between Rackspace Cloud Servers and Rackspace Cloud Sites?

I'm looking to host a video-centric PHP site. Video will be served from CDN. What does Cloud Site's $150/mo get you? [Edit] Seems like with cloud site you get: web server that's ready to go a web-based control panel 50 GB of scalable storage…
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Things I should look for/tread cautiously if I am moving to the cloud

What should I be looking out for when moving to a cloud like Rackspace? Another user at serverfault had issues like compute cycles (CC) exploding and I did not want to have the same experience.
Quintin Par
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salt-cloud & Rackspace: How to attach Private Networks to new instances?

I'm trying really hard to get salt-cloud to provision new servers with one (or more) private networks attached. SaltStack's documentation here said that I am supposed to add this "section" to the 'providers' configuration file: networks: - fixed: …
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Checking SMTP headers for spoofed email (did client authenticate?)

I have been using rackspace email service, and I am finding that rogue emails are seemingly coming from to but were never actually sent by that user. As per rackspace this email was sent via…
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Can't upgrade docker on rackspace

I have a rackspace docker-machine set up and I need to upgrade it from 1.9 to 1.10. Using the docker-machine upgrade command says that it upgrades the machine, but docker-machine ls remains showing 1.9. If I spin up a new rackspace docker-machine it…
Dan F
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3 answers

Unable to connect to Ubuntu on port 3306 (MySQL) on Rackspace instance

I'm trying to connect to port 3306 on an Ubuntu box and am unable to do so. When I do iptables -L -n | grep 3306 I see this: ACCEPT tcp -- tcp dpt:3306 ACCEPT udp -- …
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How do I view a Rackspace backup circa 2013?

I was a Rackspace customer until 2013. When I shut down my server, I had them send me a backup of it on a hard drive. Recently I had someone ask for something on that server, so I got the hard drive from my safe deposit box and plugged it in. It's a…
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