Questions tagged [rabbitmq]

RabbitMQ is an open-source and commercially supported messaging broker written in Erlang which allows applications to scale by decoupling the sending and receiving of data. RabbitMQ features flexible messaging routing via exchanges and queues, server clustering, mirrored queues for high availability, and clients for a variety of languages. The home page is

RabbitMQ is open source message broker software that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), the open standard for business messaging. Written in Erlang, the RabbitMQ server is based on a proven platform and offers a reliable, highly available, scalable and portable messaging system with predictable and consistent throughput and latency.

RabbitMQ is 100% open source and 100% based on open standard protocols freeing users from dependency on proprietary vendor-supplied libraries. It is designed from the ground up to interoperate with other message systems. It is a leading implementation of AMQP.

Through adapters, it supports MQTT and STOMP, both natively and over HTTP/WebSockets. SMTP is also available thanks to a community plugin. Support for the software is offered through both a thriving community of active contributors and a range of commercial support services available through Pivotal (

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214 questions
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rabbitmq-shovel amqps connection handshake failure

I fail to setup a rabbitmq shovel over amqps. The same shovel works fine over amqp. my (edited)…
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How to figure out which RabbitMQ node was stopped last

General rule for RabbitMQ to start cluster after shutting down all the nodes is to first start the node that was stopped last during shut down process, then start the rest. Lets say shutdown process is initiated by some external script which doesn't…
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3 answers

Broken RabbitMQ cluster wont 'restart

I run RabbitMQ on 3 servers, same version of Erlang and RabbitMQ: RabbitMQ 3.4.1, Erlang 17.3 One node crashed on server 2. The two other nodes did not connect together: server 1: [CentOS-62-64-minimal ~]$ sudo rabbitmqctl cluster_status Cluster…
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RabbitMQ not closing dead connections with unacked messages

I'm having some problems with RabbitMQ and dead connections. I have a RabbitMQ server and many ec2 instances that connect and comsumes messagens from this server. The problem is that sometimes when I need to terminate an ec2 instance, its conection…
Dalton Barreto
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Rabbitmq federation with SSL client certificates not working

I'm trying to set up a federated pair of rabbitmq servers authenticated with SSL client certificates. I've generated a set of keys and certificates, but I get this error on one server when the other tries to connect as a client: =ERROR REPORT====…
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Trying to install RabbitMQ with Puppet

Here is error I am getting: ubuntu@sync1:/etc/puppet$ sudo /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install rabbitmq-server Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... rabbitmq-server is already…
Richard Knop
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2 answers

RabbitMQ Network Partition Error

I am running a RabbitMQ cluster (version 3.0.2, Erlang R15B) with two nodes and they continue to periodically experience a network partition error. They are physically located in the same data center and their network should be reliable. When I…
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RabbitMQ, trouble getting hello world example to work on anything but localhost

I'm learning RabbitMQ and have run the hello world example at without problems on localhost. Now I want to test messaging from my PC to a different server, never seems to get any…
fred basset
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2 answers

How Can I Use rabbitmqctl to Connect to a Remotely Hosted RabbitMQ Server?

I'm using a hosted RabbitMQ solution (provided by VMware), where I'm assigned an individual RabbitMQ queue, along with a username / password. I'd like to see some of my queue's stats using the rabbitmqctl command, but I can't find documentation…
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1 answer

What is the most simple way to install newer versions of RabbitMQ and Erlang on Ubuntu 10.04?

I need to use RabbitMQ on Ubuntu 10.04. I have installed it before, but it was for code testing/learning purposes. I want to use newer versions of Erlang and RabbitMQ than the ones provided in the Lucid Lynx repositories for actual use, because many…
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Gracefully Restarting Django Celery Instances

I'm wondering what the best way to restart Celery is without losing any tasks during the restart. I'm currently running it as a daemon using the init.d/ script provided with celery - everything is working great. Nonetheless, I will need to restart…
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1 answer

Unable to start rabbitmq-server on debian 6 squeeze

I try to start rabbitmq using: /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server start then I get Starting rabbitmq-server: TIMEOUT - check /var/log/rabbitmq/startup_{log,err} rabbitmq-server. I checked startup_log and startup_err but they don't show anything. Any…
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Error when installing rabbitMQ server on Ubuntu 10.10

When I install rabbitMQ in synaptic via the following command sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server it returns an error: Starting rabbitmq-server: FAILED - check /var/log/rabbitmq/startup_log, _err rabbitmq-server. invoke-rc.d: initscript…
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Persistent storage in EKS cluster with multiple availability zones

I have an EKS cluster with one linux worker node, which may instantiate in any availability zone within a region. I need to use persistent storage volume so my data won't be lost in case the node dies. It is worth mentioning that I'm talking about…
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RabbitMQ Paging in Kubernetes

I've read through the RabbitMQ Production Checklist and we've made some changes to ensure that RabbitMQ pods in our Kubernetes cluster don't crash by setting the memory limits in the deployment to 1.3G and the RabbitMQ…
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