Questions tagged [r1soft]

11 questions
1 answer

Linode Kernel Headers

I am trying to install the Idera (R1soft) linux agent on a Linode running Ubuntu 12.04LTS. The agent requires a driver which in turn requires the kernel headers. Linode uses custom kernels though so the kernel headers I want are not in the apt-get…
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Build kernel headers to compile R1Soft hcp module

I'm running a Xen based VM with CentOS 5, and my hosting provider pushes kernel version from the host machine (so no pv-grub). [root@dev ~]# uname -r I'm trying to install the R1Soft agent, and I needed to build the hcpdriver…
George Tasioulis
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Idera ServerBackup / R1soft Kernel Modules

We currently have virtual (xen) servers from a host here in the UK and back up to an Idera R1Soft / ServerBackup system in the US. One of our servers absolutely refuses to compile the kernel module. Has anybody else seen this issue? Our server host…
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R1Soft Backup Very Slow?

Good evening Server Fault! I was recently contracted to help a company clean up and consolidate their network\server equipment, and I'm kind of stuck on one issue. I set them up with a new r1soft box for backups. This server is located on the same…
Zack Magee
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R1Soft MySQL Failed to perform discovery on database instance

I am using R1Soft (5.8.1) for file backups on a few servers and have tonight been trying to setup a MySQL backup - I installed the driver etc and am setting up the policy but am getting an error. Failed to perform discovery on database instance…
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r1soft agent is failing with the error: "write error while sending code: Broken pipe"

I have an Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS server with r1soft agent installed in it. Recently, the backups are failing with the following error. -------- write error while sending code: Broken pipe -------- I have reinstalled the buagent but to no avail. On…
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R1soft error "MySQL restore already occurring for running instance, cannot continue"

I am using R1soft backup tool on my server(cpanel) and trying to restore the database backup but it gives me the error "restore failed". Attaching logs error here: Protected Machine: MySQL restore already occurring for running instance, cannot…
1 answer

Continuity247 and Sophos TLS errors

Two on-premises Continuity247 (rebadged R1Soft which is Ubuntu-based) servers were on two different LANs which used a Cyberoam CR50iNG and a Sophos XG 85. Both worked absolutely worked fine. The servers' networking was reconfigured and were moved to…
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R1Soft CDP2 disk safe - make previous disk safe be active

Hoping that someone will be able to dust off some ancient R1Soft CDP2 knowledge on this =). How can you make a previous disk safe active so that backups can be made to it again? For example, if a new disk safe was created, then deleted, how can…
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MySQL hot backups on database inside a Virtuozzo container

R1soft's CDP doesn't currently work on MySQL databases inside a Virtuozzo container. Is there any backup software that offers the same kind of 'continuous data protection'? An alternative to this would be a host that provided just MySQL hosting with…
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R1Soft shows server type as "Virtual" but server is physical

I've added my server, deployed the backup agent, rebooted my server and it shows " Server Type: Virtual (Hyper V) ". But my server is a physical server, running Hyper-V. As my license is for a Physical Server, this causes issues. Any reason why this…
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