Questions tagged [compilation]

45 questions
4 answers

Nginx module not binary compatible after compilation on Centos 7

I need to use the Nginx module ngx_http_auth_pam_module on a Centos 7 server. As a package is only available through the getpagespeed repository, which isn't gratis, I want to compile it myself. Following various instructions I found, I downloaded…
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PHP's MemcacheD extension DLL for Windows

On my PHP 5.6 site I have been using the Memcache extension to interface with the memcached daemon. As the extension has a matching DLL, it meant I could deploy it on my Windows dev machine as well and all was good. This extension has been abandoned…
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Building old Perl from source - How to add math library?

When I make Perl 5.10.1 I get some errors, I found some related threads that stated: The error messages are from the linker, not from the compiler. You should get away by placing a -lm at the end of all compilation lines. My Question is where are…
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Compile software from source : how do I collect a dependency list?

I'd like to compile Nginx 1.9.8 from source and install it on a Ubuntu 14.04 server. However, and this goes for any software, how do I figure out which dependencies I need to install on my local system in order to build the software? Say I'd like to…
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3 answers

Building curl, httpd and others with custom openssl build, while avoiding default system openssl

I've been trying to upgrade some programs on an old Linux box (Debian 7.5 wheezy). I'd like to keep default system libs untouched and to add some custom builds alongside them. It works fine for most libs, only OpenSSL gives me a hard time (…
1 answer

Build kernel headers to compile R1Soft hcp module

I'm running a Xen based VM with CentOS 5, and my hosting provider pushes kernel version from the host machine (so no pv-grub). [root@dev ~]# uname -r I'm trying to install the R1Soft agent, and I needed to build the hcpdriver…
George Tasioulis
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1 answer

Compiling PHP 5.3.29 with OpenSSL fails

we are in need of a PHP5.3 installation on our Ubuntu 16.04 server for a legacy 3rd party application we are about to replace, but we still need around for some time. Therefore I compiled PHP5.3.29 with FPM to get it to work with our Nginx Stack.…
1 answer

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient Error but I have installed libmysqlclient-dev

I'm trying to compile this source code I have from a developers website that made his personal small MMO public, when trying to compile I get: gcc -O -g -m32 -rdynamic -L/usr/lib/mysql -o server .obj/server.o .obj/io.o .obj/libload.o .obj/tool.o…
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3 answers

SPARC T4, Solaris 11, no access to internet, how to install system headers (or a working compiler)

I need to compile a C program on SPARC T4-1 (Solaris 11) machine that has been deployed to customer network, and it no longer has access to the Internet. Originally during the setup, compilation tools, nor the system headers were installed, and now…
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2 answers

Installing a new software (httpd) in an old Linux (Centos 5)?

I need to upgrade Apache httpd on a legacy Centos 5 32-bit machine that is running on production. Since all the official repo versions are outdated, I am trying to compile it in a docker container; but that seems to fail due to various reasons: 1)…
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1 answer

How to Install a binary package on a shared hosting (for example AqBanking) or managed Debian server

I want to use HBCI home banking AqBanking software in a web app on a managed server (HostEurope) which is quite restricted and does not allow package installation. It runs on Debian 8.
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0 answers

Linker error in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3

Our machine was in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 until when we recently moved to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3. Our C++ tools were compiling without any problem on SuSe 11. But when we compile the tools in SuSe 12, we are having below…
SS Hegde
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1 answer

Failed building puma 3.11.0 on Ubuntu 17.10

Tried to install puma with the following command sudo gem install puma -v '3.11.0' Got the below message: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing puma: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. …
Koala Yeung
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0 answers

Compilation of Python 3.6.5 on Debian 9 hangs on test_asyncio

Compilation steps: apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev apt-get install -y libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm apt-get install -y libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev tar xvf…
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1 answer

Error installing PHP7.1 with apache2 on debian 9

Hello I installed the apache with debian's 9 installation. Then installed php7.0 with apt-get but I need to install php7.1, at first I do $ su $ apt-get purge php7.0 so I downloaded from php 7.1.10 and make this $…
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