I am trying to install the Idera (R1soft) linux agent on a Linode running Ubuntu 12.04LTS. The agent requires a driver which in turn requires the kernel headers. Linode uses custom kernels though so the kernel headers I want are not in the apt-get repositories for ubuntu.
To the best of my knowledge linode tracks mainline so I logged into linode and changed my kernel from "latest" to a static version so it would not change on me on future reboots. Then I downloaded that version of the linux source from kernel.org and dropped it in /lib/modules. I pointed the agent install process at that directory but its still complaining it cannot find the headers.
Should I be downloading a different package that only includes header files? Are the headers a subfolder of the linux source? Am I just horribly off base in what I am trying to do here?
root@li372-176:~# serverbackup-setup --get-module --kernel-dir /lib/modules/linux-3.13.7
Checking if module needs updated
Checking for binary module
Waiting |
No binary module found
Gathering kernel information
Gathering kernel information complete.
Creating kernel headers package
Checking '/lib/modules/linux-3.13.7' for kernel headers
Unable to find a '.config'. This file is required to build a kernel module
Unable to find a valid source directory.
Please install the kernel headers for your operating system.
To install kernel headers execute:
apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`