Questions tagged [puttygen]

6 questions
2 answers

putty-tools issue, no output

I'm having an issue with putty tools latest version compiled from source. I have them working OK on some Red Hat server but not others; I'm getting no output on all the tools. Example: Working; [root@server1 dir]# /usr/local/bin/puttygen -t rsa -b…
3 answers

How do I create a user which will login using ssh with key only authentication?

I'm trying to setup new user which will be able to login with key only. Also, I need to change his home dir to /var/www/website. Here are the steps I've done and result created a user with useradd mark generated a key on win machine with puttygen…
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1 answer

Extract a .pem file from an existing .ppk or from the server?

So I use windows and so when I first setup my server I had a pem key that I converted into a PPK using puttyGen. Now I no longer have the pem and need to access the server from a mac which uses .pem files. Is there any way to extract the .pem from…
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1 answer

How to use PuttyGen.exe when moving key(s) from old machine to a new machine?

I've only generated the public/private key pair in PuttyGen.exe once. This was the first time I've ever used this tool. Rather than having the folks hosting the server that I'm connecting to, who installed the public key, how can I avoid that, and…
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1 answer

Increased my VM disk size on Google Cloud Platform and now the SSH log in is asking for a password?

I increased the disk size on my VM instance running on Google Cloud Platform. There was a simple change from 200 GB to 400 GB with no other changes made on the Instance. When I started the instance after making the changes and trying to login…
1 answer

Getting "server refused our key" when connecting to GCloud using Putty

I've just set up a new test instance on Google cloud... it's Debian, the default Google build. I've been able to connect successfully to the instance using the SSH console (from Chrome) and the gcloud shell. Both use Google generated keys. I want…