Questions tagged [pid]

Process Identifier (PID)

In computing, the process identifier (normally referred to as the process ID or just PID) is a number used by most operating system kernels (such as that of UNIX, Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows) to (temporarily) uniquely identify a process. This number may be used as a parameter in various function calls allowing processes to be manipulated, such as adjusting the process's priority or killing it altogether.

Source: wikipedia

105 questions
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AIX: is it somehow possible to get a ForeignAddress/PID pair like we are able to get in Linux with netstat?

In Linux (RHEL), we are able to get a ForeignAddress/PID pair with "netstat -ntp" command: [root@rhel ~]# netstat -ntp Active Internet connections (w/o servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State …
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Clustered cron with one server only overlap allowed

I've setuped load balancers: lb1 (active) and lb2 (passive), Glustered web servers: web1 (active), web2 (backup), and some clustered database. Both web servers and databases are A pointed to the VIP of the load balancers. Both of web servers have…
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When is a pid needed in log rotation?

I've read that providing pid in the newsyslog.conf is to ensure that the process writes in the new log file. However, I've tried log rotation without providing a pid because I couldn't find one for the process, and it worked (the process wrote new…
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Ubuntu: Postfix and Cyrus expecting saslauthd PID file in different locations

I'm running postfix and cyrus in parallel on my server, as far as I understand this is a quite common think to do. Both daemons use sasl authorization. However, postfix is looking for the saslauthd pid file in /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd…
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screen command process id

First of all sorry for my bad english and i am new at linux. When i do this, it can write process id to pid file start () { echo -n "Starting someserver.jar: " java -jar /home/someserver/someserver.jar & echo $! >…
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Process identifier mask in z/OS

I've noticed a curious pattern to process identifier numbers on the z/OS system I'm working on (uname reports it as OS/390), they're either 1-4 digits long or 8 digits long but never in between. The high PIDs are a little over 16777216, 33554432 or…
Gareth Davidson
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How to map an ephemeral port to a pid?

I have a RHEL server with several apps on it and I am attempting to figure out which one of them is making calls to an external web service. I have TCP dumps that show the calls being made and through various tools I am able to determine what…
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freebsd pid file not created

Pid files not created in /var/run folder. rc.d script: #!/bin/sh . /etc/rc.subr name=phpcgi rcvar=phpcgi_enable pidfile=/var/run/${name}.pid command=/usr/local/bin/php-cgi load_rc_config $name run_rc_command "$1" it's working fine but the…
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3 answers

sshd running but no PID file

I'm recently started using monit to monitor the status of sshd on my CentOS 5.4 server. This works fine, but every so often monit reports that sshd is no longer running. This isn't true - I am still able to login to the server via ssh, however I…
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How can I enable pid and ppid fields in psacct dump-acct?

I am currently using the psacct package on Centos to perform accounting on processes run by users. The info file1 suggests that it is possible to output pid and ppid depending on what information your operating system provides in it's struct…
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How to kill these PHP process safely?

I have installed php5 in ubuntu and WordPress. It can run after installed. But after few days I've found there are lots of process and occupied a lot of memories. I try to use ps -aux | grep www-data and found about 30 processes like this. www-data…
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Can I kill apt.system.daily to fix the apt install command?

When I try to install anything (Ubuntu 16.04) with apt or apt-get I get this: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend),…
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2 answers

How to find the port used by sshd for a port bind without sudo?

To remove a given port bind the pid can be found with sudo netstat -lnpt and then removed with kill pid. As the process name is known (sshd) the non sudoer user who started it may found the pid with : $ ps --user user -o pid,comm | grep sshd 8543…
hello world
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How do I get the PID of a conhost process associated with the batch file and cmd process that created it?

Say I have several conhost processes that happen to be running already. Now I run a batch file, which starts a cmd process which, in turn, causes another conhost process to open up. From within the batch file I know I can get the PID of that batch…
1 answer

tcpdump - how to track the source of requests made with ephemeral/dynamic ports

I'm trying to identify the network traffic between multiple backend microservices running on the same server. (they make some rest http calls to each other) Unfortunately, when i use tcpdump, the lines i see for each call, only allow me to identify…
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