Questions tagged [zos]

z/OS is an Operating System for IBM System 390 family of mainframes

z/OS is an Operating System that comes from long family of IBM mainframe OSs, it was primarily influenced by OS/390.

18 questions
6 answers

Can I run grep against a zOS dataset via Unix system services?

I have a search I'd like to run against a zOS dataset, and I know how to form the grep command. I have access to the machine via Unix system services, how to I address a dataset from that environment?
C. Ross
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1 answer

Started task in z/OS lacks RACF privileges

I wish to test a JDBC server implementation running under z/OS. The usual approach would be to define a JCL procedure and run this as a started task. The started task requires a user ID under which it would run. The JDBC jars are placed in a ZFS…
2 answers

How to compare mainframe CPU performance?

I am working with an application that runs on tomcat in OMVS. It run terribly on one mainframe, and adequately another another. Is there a way I can compare the CPU of the two mainframes as a reference? I tried: /d m=cpu I didn't find the results…
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UID/username lookup on IBM z/os USS

How can I associate a UID to a specific username on IBM z/OS Unix System Services? Within USS, I see content created in my user space which I do not own. File ownership lists a three digit numerical value, rather than a username, which I presume…
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0 answers

Is it possible to enable WLM for Stored Procedures through DB2 on z/OS

If core WLM is not available for all built-in Stored Procedures in a DB2 on z/OS, would it be at all possible for a DB2 user with all privileges to setup the core WLM environments through a CLPPlus (or similar) connection to the DB? I am trying to…
1 answer

Does z/OS enforce memory protection between processes of the same user?

It is often pointed out that each user has their own (virtual) address space in in z/OS; this is said as if it is a good thing, and I suppose it is compared to real mode. But in most modern systems I'm used to most processes (or jobs, in z/OS…
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Is it possible to build a queue sharing group on only a coupling facility and not use db2?

I keep reading docs that say the messages are kept in a cf and can be offloaded to smds or db2 if they are too large. This would suggest I could build out queues in a cf and offload large messages to disk and avoid db2 all together. Then other docs…
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Process identifier mask in z/OS

I've noticed a curious pattern to process identifier numbers on the z/OS system I'm working on (uname reports it as OS/390), they're either 1-4 digits long or 8 digits long but never in between. The high PIDs are a little over 16777216, 33554432 or…
Gareth Davidson
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0 answers

Query Memory available in zVM

Can a user of a zVM virtual machine query the allocated memory size (VM RAM size?), from USS? I've had some success getting the CP info using oeconsol "d m=cpu". While some sources suggest that the equivalent command for memory should be oeconsol…
Matthew G.
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1 answer

lftp 4.8.4 refuses to talk TLS1.2 with z/OS ftps host

Appreciate any advice on below problem: I have a problem to connect z/OS FTPS server when I choose TLS1.2 protocol: leonidt@zdsdeveng03:/gsa/pokgsa/home/l/e/leonidt/20190114_Switch2lftp> ~/local/bin/lftp -u us15030,********…
1 answer

Need help to establish secure ftp connection from linux to z/OS FTPS server

I need help to establish secure ftp connection from linux client to z/OS host running FTPS server. From FTPS server admin I have got following information: Host IP address, port, CA certificate file with .der extension. FTPS server supports TLS v1.1…
1 answer

How to automate FTP user password updates, on a remote IBM z/OS FTP server?

We wish to solve the business problem of how to schedule automated password updates, on a remote FTP server (note: z/OS) over which we have no administrative control, before the password expires. For example, once each month, update user JDoe's…
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virtualize BS2000/Posix or z/OS

Is it possible to create a virtual instance of either BS2000/Posix or z/OS on libvirt KVM, or any other virtualization platform? I have been asked to provide this so that software can be tested within these environments.
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Suppose we have 3 servers A, B and C. A is our monitoring server. I'm trying to find an OID on server B to ping server C to find out whether server C is reachable from point of view of server B. I found this OID in IBM Knowledge Center. Is there an…
1 answer

Authorization required to install jzos batch launcher

We are trying to install the JZOS Batch Launcher. The function consists of three pieces: a load module that must be put into a z/OS PDSE, a sample start proc that can be tailored and put into an appropriate PROCLIB, and sample JCL that can be…