Questions tagged [phusion-passenger]

Phusion Passenger (originally called mod_rails or mod_rack) is a Rails application server designed for easy deployment and low maintenance hosting of Rack apps, including Rails, Sinatra, Camping, and other ruby-based web development micro-frameworks. Passenger supports both Apache and NGinx webservers and is written in C++.

More about Phusion Passenger:

480 questions
2 answers

Server slower for each successive request

Application stack (all using latest stable releases): Ubuntu Apache Passenger Ruby Ruby on Rails After restarting apache (apache2ctl graceful) a page request is pretty fast, some 600 ms. Then, for every request (same page still, just reloading),…
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Rack Error with DreamHost, Passenger, and Rails 3.0.0.rc

Background: I have viewed this question as well as this one - sadly, to no avail. Error Message (Passenger): You have already activated rack 1.1.0, but your Gemfile requires rack 1.2.1. Consider using bundle exec. my Gemfile: source…
2 answers

Simple checks to make my HTTP server faster

I am running my own webserver on a 384MB VPS from Slicehost to serve a Ruby on Rails application. I am running Phusion Passenger with Apache2. I currently expect anywhere between 10-200 visits per day. I am by no means a server admin so I would like…
2 answers

why am i gettin this error

* Restarting web server apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName ... waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using …
Matt Elhotiby
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nginx and many racks

I want to deploy a ror3 application using nginx/passenger/rack on webfaction. Out of some reason uncached (or out of another reason, I am just guessing) requests to that site spawn multiple rack instances, I think unnecessarily so. Every subsequent…
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Passenger + Apache Ubuntu 10.04 blank logs

I'm trying to host Rails with Apache and Passenger. I've gone through installation guides on both my hosts site and Phusion's Documentation site, but both Apache's and Rails' logs are blank when I go to test it. I've created a fresh Rails app with a…
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Nginx, Rails and Passenger

I'm having trouble serving a rails app at a sub uri using passenger and rails. The relevant part of my nginx.conf is as follows: server { listen 80; server_name ~^(.*)\.domain\.com$ ; location /redmine/ { root…
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2 answers

Apache local verses external (domain)

I have an Apache server running on Ubuntu server 10, using Passenger for Ruby on Rails. I have configured my site under the sites-enabled directory of Apache and can hit the server with an internal IP address (192.168.X.X) and the site comes back…
2 answers

Phusion passenger (aka mod_rails) on OpenSuse 11

I have a VServer with OpenSuse 11 and Plesk runnning. Right now the server runs a php website. I would like also to run a Rails-Application with mod_rails (phusioin passenger). I have installed ruby and rails and also I am trying to get phusion…
server info
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Starting phusion passenger on working apache

I've got Apache (-v): Server version: Apache/2.0.63 Server built: Nov 29 2009 15:23:34 Cpanel::Easy::Apache v3.2.0 rev4899 I want to start new Sinatra application on passenger. I've just installed passenger gem. So now I need to set up apache…
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2 answers

nginx not acknowledging passenger_root option

I'm running a sinatra app on passenger, and trying to hook it to nginx. The relevant part of my config looks like: http { passenger_root /path/to/gem; #this is a valid path passenger_ruby /path/to/ruby; #ditto #etc... server { …
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1 answer

Passenger apache default page error

I just installed Passenger and the Passenger Pref Pane on OSX. However, when I try to browse to one of my Rails applications I just get the default Apache "it works!" page. I've checked the vhost definitions and they seem ok so I can't seem to…
Ganesh Shankar
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Forcin Nginx to render URI from Rails using Passenger

Is it possible to force Nginx to render some URL from Rails app although file exists on server? I want to hide some files based from which subdomain request comes. So I would like to completely avoid direct rendering of file from server.
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1 answer

Why is apache/passenger unable to open the sqlite3 rails database file?

I'm running apache2/passenger2.0.3 (ubuntu 9.10 packages). I can start up Webrick in the rails folder and run the app perfectly as I do on my development box with script/server Why then does apache/passenger fail to open the database, throwing a…
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1 answer

Passenger, Apache and avoiding page caching

I'm hosting a rack application with passenger and apache. The application is setup to cache the content of each request to the public directory after each request. This allows apache to serve the content directly as a static page for future…
Michael Guterl