I have a VServer with OpenSuse 11 and Plesk runnning. Right now the server runs a php website. I would like also to run a Rails-Application with mod_rails (phusioin passenger).

I have installed ruby and rails and also I am trying to get phusion passenger to run on my appache 2 which is not working as I wish it would.

What I did was running following commands:

gem install passenger


After I ran the second command the installer tells me that I am missing

  • Apache 2 development headers
  • Apache portable headers (APR)
  • Apache portable runtime utility development headers (APU)

After some investigation I found that my solution could be to install following packages


OpenSuse 11 has zypper and this does not contain these packages. I ran into an article which discribes to install these packages with yum. But yum is not compatible with the python version of my linux distr.

I also saw that it is possible to download the source of apache and compile it with the correct headers but since this vserver has a running site. New installation or compiling is not an option.

So how do I get my prerequisites installed to make passenger install and run on my server?

Any help would be great (and bear with me I'm new with linux)...


server info
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2 Answers2


Yast is your friend here. I've actually been able to install all the missing things that passenger-install-apache2-module moans about (on openSUSE) just from Yast.

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If you have yast you could try using that:

yast -i apache2-devel