Questions tagged [password-management]

Procedures, policies and constraints on password entry, lifetime, change, strength, and storage. An essential part of access management, together with policies on other forms of authentication.

154 questions
1 answer

Azure-only banned password list in a hybrid AD environment

I'm currently researching how to set up a banned password list in Active Directory. I'm doing this in a hybrid environment. Unfortunately, right now we're only licensed for Azure AD Free, which is cloud only -- syncing the banned password list is…
1 answer

How to configure password synchronization between two Active Directory Domains with Microsoft Identity Manager PCNS?

I have two domains with a two-ways trust relationship (selective authentication). Microsoft Identity Manager is installed, configured and "Password Change Notification Service" is configured and properly delivers password changes with RPC requests…
2 answers

Active Directory password change: Re-Allow current password?

My question is that simple: Can I configure an active directory in a way that when a user wants/needs to change his password, his current one isn't forbidden (if it's in compliance with the current password policy)? Here is some background: We…
1 answer

How to add pre-hashed password to ejabberd with ansible

I know that I can add users using the ansible ejabberd_user module, but there doesn't seem to be a way to add a user with a pre-hashed password. I want this: - name: create a user if it does not exists ejabberd_user: username: test host:…
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Is there a way to set up passwordless / passphraseless ssh so can only come from one client?

I know how to set up passwordless / passphraseless ssh. But my understanding is that setting it up that way means that if someone get ahold of the id_dsa file, they can then log in from any machine. Is it possible to set up, on server X, that Y is…
Greg Dougherty
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Enable Password Policy in OpenLDAP 2.4.44

I am trying to enable user password policies in my OpenLDAP 2.4.44 instance based on the osixia/docker-openldap Docker image. Basically, following this description, I have set up following structure in my OpenLDAP instance: ldapsearch -h localhost…
Sergey Shcherbakov
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1 answer

How to hide the java keystore password in keytool scripts

As part of our project, we are pushing in the SSL certificates onto the rich clients which try to establish the connection with SSL based web servers through a windows batch script. This script contains batch statements of the following…
0 answers

Active Directory password policy for Business Days?

I don't think there's any way to do this after looking through Microsoft's password policy documentation, but on the off-chance that someone was particularly clever: Is it possible to create a policy so that only business days count towards password…
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1 answer

Do "Old Passwords" have an expiration?

There are some systems that keep track of "old passwords" for increased security, like Databases, Domain Controllers, personal pages (Like Facebook) etc. Do these "old passwords" have an expiration? Eg. After (x) months/after (x) many new passwords,…
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1 answer

Konica Bizhub Photocopier - Change Pin

We have a Konica Bizhub Photocopier. When we use the device, we have to enter the pin/password: 1135. I also have to use this pin when I authenticate a user account so they can print over the network. How can I change this log in pin? The admin…
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1 answer

Logging or Auditing functionality for un/successful access to password hash files and other authentication files on Windows Server 2008 R2

I have been asked to find whether there is auditing enabled for one of our Windows Servers for accessing password hash files or other files used for authentication. Does anyone know if there is a Logging or Auditing functionality in place for…
2 answers

Does anyone know of a program that will synchronize Google Apps usernames & passwords with Active Directory usernames & passwords?

It would be so great if I could just avoid all the API junk, and install a program on one of my servers that would actively monitor AD and G-Apps and sync stuff between them. I could just create special admin accounts in both AD and GApps for this…
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1 answer

Password Manager Pro backend database MS SQL vs PostgreSQL

I'm looking to manage users passwords through the programme Password Manager Pro. Reading the documentation it explains that you can use ether your own MS SQL database or use their default PostgreSQL database. Which of these would be better from a…
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1 answer

Disable Admin password requirement on Domain user PC

So here is my situation: My company runs a "Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition" domain server, connected to a bunch of Dell Optiplex PC's (380's, and 9020's). The older Dells (380) are connected to the domain server and do not require the admin…
4 answers

Security policy: servers without root/administrator password

I am considering running public web and application servers with blank root/Administrator passwords, and I'm wondering whether this might be a bad policy. I see several advantages of having no password. "No password" can't be brute-forced, lost,…
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