Questions tagged [password-management]

Procedures, policies and constraints on password entry, lifetime, change, strength, and storage. An essential part of access management, together with policies on other forms of authentication.

154 questions
3 answers

Your thoughts on managing passwords in a corporate server environment

Good evening, I'm thinking about implementing some way to manage passwords for our Linux/Windows servers based solely on security concerns and an ever growing number of servers. How do you do it? How would you do it if you had the opportunity? What…
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1 answer

SharePoint 2010 Password Change?

Does anyone know of a way to allow password changes via SharePoint's web interface? Either a add on or settings?
2 answers

Is KeePass good for saving passwords for IT managers?

I am considering switching from passwords.rtf to a new system that is actually secure. I am a great fan of Dropbox and I am a great fan of efficient and quick working. If a passwords system requires 2 minutes to request a password, then it's not…
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1 answer

How to change password schema for Dovecot user authentication for an already existing mail server

I have an email server setup on Debian Lenny with Postfix, Dovecot, SASL and MySQL. Currently, the password scheme in my dovecot-sql.conf file is set to: CRYPT default_pass_scheme = CRYPT I would like to globally change the scheme to something…
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1 answer

Software for asset or password management in a team

At the office we are looking for software to manage, share and store several of our digital assets like software licenses, registration codes, and most importantly passwords for our hundreds of servers. I know there are several software packages…
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2 answers

Bulk change passwords

I am converting some scripts from an ancient SuSe install, after a swap to ubuntu. These scripts uses a tool called mkpasswd, which sets user passwords. I wonder if there is something similar for Ubuntu so I don't have to code it myself. The tool is…
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3 answers

Active Directory Account Creation

We are creating the AD account and password automatically. The Helpdesk will not know the password or use it in way. I'm looking for other companies that are maybe doing the same type of procedure. We will be asking the end user to come to the…
2 answers

Software for managing outside inventory, users and passwords

We are a small sized consulting and system integration company, and we install and partially manage (not always with remote access) different servers and workstations. We need a centralized, and preferently multiuser, way of inventory all our…
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2 answers

Adding new users

Possible Duplicate: Adding new users I'm trying to add a new user account to my ftp server. I used useradd -p password -d /home/newuser -s newuser now when he tries to log in it accepts the UID and asks for a password, when i try to enter the…
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0 answers

OpenVPN - How to suppress WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this

In OpenVPN GUI, I am getting the red message WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this. I do not want to always re-type my password again and again. Is there a way to suppress the…
1 answer

How to notify administrators of an Active Directory pwd change?

I don't know much about AD or Windows security. As in this question, I understand that pwd change notification can be useful for both users and for system administrators. As an AD administrator on Windows Server 2012 R2, can I configure the system…
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0 answers

Can you display/change a message on the Windows 10 "change password" screen?

Does anyone know if it is possible to change the error messages displayed to users when changing their password? Specifically the complexity requires message. If possible I would like to change it to contain a little more detail for our students.…
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2 answers

Setting password expiration settings on CentOS

How does one set the password expiration parameters on CentOS or Red Hat Linux using PAM? Specifically, I need to set the following: Maximum number of days that a password may be used. Minimum number of days allowed between password changes.
Mike Barnett
1 answer

Windows Server: Let users change their password remotely without RDP in non domain setup

So what do we have: Windows Server 2019 as file server in a non-domain setup. Users should be able to change their password remotely from their client PCs without requiring the IT-support. What we've found but is no soultion for us: Login per RDP…
2 answers

could a password policy be dynamic on windows with or without AD

On some windows server I would like to set different password complexity depending for exemple on the password length. Is it possible to make conditions, so I can have a high level of complexity with password length=8 and a low level or no…